Friday, June 14, 2019

Life List #28: New 2019 Virtual Adenture- The Appalachian Trail

14 years ago my Adventure Buddy (Jim) who has done...well..pretty much EVERYTHING and been a bit of everywhere offered to be my guide if I wanted to "...take a few months off and do this..."

I was still working as a Nurse at the time...raising children and a wife...and though it was an amazing was also quite impossible.

Maybe later in life...I thought at the time.

That is the trouble with life. We always think there will be more time, I guess.

Here it is..years later.

The Nursing Career ended by a Brain Tumor.

The kids grown with families and lives of their own.

My husband dead from Leukemia.

The 2,185+ mile trail through 14 States, now completely impossible on foot...hell...I can no longer walk across my living-room or the lawn.

The Trail is a lot of things...but wheelchair accessible isn't one of them. 

But it is time for an Adventure. Something larger than a day trip. Something to

And for however long it takes...I am doing the Appalachian Trail.

Virtually, of course.

Feel free to tag along!

At over 2000 miles the trail takes roughly 5 months to cover hiking and expenses run around $1000 per month.

See...I'm saving you time and money already!

Before FRED I hiked a great deal of the US in all kinds of terrain (mountain, desert, forest and plains) I can pull on those experiences in my mind for increased realism.

Youtube, eBay, and a myriad of internet sites and blogs can provide the rest.

Although he is not one of MY favorite authors, Bill Bryson, has a book where he hiked part of the trail entitled

A Walk in the Woods

which I will get to accompany this virtual hike.

Rest up and we will begin on Monday!

More Anon...

A nice overview of what we have in store: