Saturday, July 13, 2019

Kaylee's 14...Dirty Heads...English Ivy and More


Week 7 of the Patio Garden

With my new addition
of a standing fairy
brought by Nicole

(I Love It)

And the addition 
of variegated Ivy
in the top

A good rain
night before last 
and everything is lush and green

and speaking of 

Was thinking hard about
how to tie my
4 (kind of random) tattoos
soon to be five
as John and I
are getting matching ones

and this came to me

Talked with Troy (the tattoo guy) and am very excited to start not only incorporating the existing tattoos into an Ivy design (beside or surrounding them) but going to have some random sprigs...kind of a "body garden" approach.

Tendrils coming from between the webbing of my thumb and forefinger and spiraling (fine line- delicate stuff) down or encircling my wrist.  A spray snaking down a shoulder and just a few tiny vines and small unfurling leaves peering from the v-neck of a tee-shirt or sleeve.
Just fun stuff!

Asked him about how tattooing can cover scars and pesky brown age spots...and was pleasantly surprised.

"I can make them disappear"

(...if he ever finds a way to tattoo away wrinkles...I may have to keep Kathy Bates character in MISERY...)

Soon, I am going to be an Ivy-Garden in progress.

James made Dad-of-the-Year for Kaylee's 14th Birthday with Front of the close as you can possibly get...Tickets to her favorite band: Dirty Heads (last night)

Sent her birthday $$ with her so she could rock a tee-shirt.

Happiness is getting a Happy Birthday from them on your actual birthday during a video chat.

So cool...she cried tears of happiness!

We are spending our 1:1 Day together next week.
Looking forward to pictures, and hearing all about the concert.

Chris picked back up one of his old hobbies this week. When he was fairly young he learned (taught himself) from the MIT website how to lock pick. Took thin metal strips and made a set of his own tools.  It was fascinating!

(...even actually worked!!!)

This week he bought his first professional set.

And is joining a Club for others who enjoy this past-time.

(...who knew there even were lock-picker's clubs??? )

Where you send a video of yourself picking a Brink's padlock...and they send you progressively harder and more convoluted locks to open.

Also a forum and chat group.

His classes are going well and he takes the Cisco Exam at the end of the month. And will be starting a paid Internship soon.

He is excited!

I am excited for him. 

John and I are getting ready for our July Getaway...and eating our way through the county fair soon as well!

(...lemon shake-ups...big glorpy Italian sausage sandwiches with peppers and onions...blooming onion to share...elephant ears with cinnamon and sugar...caramel apples and cotton candy...) only happens once a year!

( bad can that be for you...)

Can't wait!

This Week's Movie:

 A well-thought out film that picks up after Endgame explaining The Blip
 when half the population vanished then years later reappeared, and events that happen afterward.

A teenage romance...a reluctant hero...a great and unsuspected villain...EDITH [...even dead I'm the hero...]  (you know how Tony loved his acronyms)...Nick Fury as his bad-self...and more.

Be sure to watch the credits...there are two Easter Eggs in being germane to the continuation of the Marvel World.

Going to have to watch this many moving parts!

Excellent Film.

This Week's Book:

Continuing with Thru-Hiker accounts of the Appalachian Trail.  Unlike last week with Bryson, this was the trail through the eyes of Jean.
Her children grown.
She, just turning 50.

A woman discovering herself, and of what she is capable.

It was inspirational...engaging...sometimes hilarious and sometimes heartbreaking.

Indomitable Spirit.

Exceptional Read!

( an aside...I have procured several Thru-hike memoirs and one fictional piece to read as an accompaniment to the virtual AT Hike...each is a completely different approach to the trail and is quite interesting.)

Much cooler today after a week of 90+ degree heat. Going to play in the plants and paint a while. Still finishing the Bly Gap Oak.

photo soon

Working on the Sequel to "Like Smoke Through a Keyhole" (my 50 year sortabiography/memoir)

And am calling it

"The Road Home"

but have only started the Prologue at this point.
It will be my winter project.

Cover photography when I assemble it!


Have a Beautiful Weekend!

Addendum:  I have now tried "Beach Head" (that hair mist that Idgy told me about.) ever!!!! I'm hooked.

Not only does it encourage the natural curls in your smells of sea salt and tanning oil...and maybe even Pina Colada.

Spritzing it on damp hair after a bath/shower is just like a vacation to the beach in a bottle!


Also got a couple of shots of Che (her grown son's) new-to-him car

2000 BMW

Impossible to believe he will be 21 this September!

(...we met when he was 8 years old...)

More anon!