"Beans, again!"
Leaving Ed Garvey Memorial Shelter and back on the (virtual) trail again.
Have already met a few SOBO hikers...and I must admit my confidence is somewhat shaken at this point by their laughter and "YASNY" (You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet) comments. Then they regale us with tales of The Presidents (mountains) The Whites (also mountains) and, of course, Katahdin (Northern
Terminus and our final destination) itself.
They have made it...and so will we.
Today we have 40 miles of Maryland ahead.
In realtime...this section takes two to three days.
We will finish it today. (virtually)..not stopping until we reach the Pennsylvania State Line.
Comparatively...Maryland is one of the easiest states. Elevation does not exceed
1905 feet along our path.
A welcome respite from the 4000+ climbs we have done to this point. There are a few interesting sights along the way.
The first being the Potomac River View from Weverton Cliffs
Weverton Cliff Hike
and the C&O (Chesapeake and Ohio)P Canal Towpath
PawPaw Tunnel
The PawPaw Tunnel is said to be haunted by the old lock-keeper who was burned to death inside his lockhouse one night. Disembodied voices are said to be heard and unexplained shadows on the walls.
A product of Maryland's Rails to Trails Conservancy.
The Sandy Hook Iron Bridge
Gathland State Park
Black Rock on South Mountain
The trail to the Washington Monument in Maryland
And the Monument itself.
(...okay...so DC did it better)
Pine Knob Shelter
Where we will stop and catch our breath...and maybe indulge in a Snicker's Bar (official pick-me-up food of the Appalachian Trail)
Yeah...that's what I'm talking about!
Onward to Annapolis Rock
Past Raven Rock Shelter
Taking the Trail to Highrock
A drone's eye view.
The stairs.
Where we encounter the first bit of graffiti...actually a LOT of graffiti...which makes me kind of sad.
And a mother's voice internally lamenting silently
"This is WHY we can't have nice things."
and wanting to move on quickly...not really caring if "Joe was here..." or who "April LOVES..."
FFS, people.
Until at last we reach the Mason-Dixon Line
Where we will set up camp in a clear spot tonight, and start out again in Pennsylvania.
1060 miles from where we started in Georgia!
Thru hike with Chris Berry from Harper's Ferry to the Mason-Dixon Line
Until then...
Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans