Saturday, April 3, 2021

April...Easter...and Recovering


Amazing how quickly everything has greened up and budded or bloomed!

May actually open NPB tomorrow and bask a bit.

"...Avoiding Covid?? No...just pollen."

Finishing the house today so I can have a totally ZEN Sunday.

Three days of antibiotics left, and finally feeling 100%. So glad I got checked out when I did. Walking Pneumonia is really insidious. Until I crashed and burned I felt fatigued...but not as sick as I obviously was. 

Hannah turned 14...and will be seeing her with the rest of my grands after my second shot.

James and Chris bought a Taylor and a Martin with part of their stimulus and have been jamming together...


 James' Taylor

Chris' Martin

No guitars for me...but getting a new Canon camera very soon!

John already fishing, and they have finally woke up..hungry!

Our Duck seems to have already made a new friend, and doesn't look so lonely out there on the lake by herself.

and it won't be long before the morels pop up.

                                                            So ready!!!

Not so sure what they are doing about car shows yet....maybe???

The vaccines are going well and bringing us one step closer to normal.

This Week's Book:

Really a novella...the most recent of his True-Crime...which includes The Colorado Kid and Joyland. 

King seems to get better and better.

Completely engaging...quick read...a ghost story, but so much more.

If you are a Constant'll love this.

If you aren't...give it a try...and you might be.

Highly recommended!

This Week's Movie

An old film from 2007...that I somehow missed.


Stumbled on a short clip of the coin-toss scene in the filling station, and had to find it.


Tommy Lee Jones plays an aging sheriff who is beyond perplexed at the new breed of crime and criminals.

Josh Brolin plays a "...really tries to do the right thing...most of the time..." guy who just happens to find a satchel of cash at the scene of a drug deal gone very wrong.

Woody Harrelson is a bounty hunter...basically one of the good guys.

But the best role is that of Javier Bardem...


Bardem plays a psychopath (sociopath?), Anton, who is basically a killing machine. He doesn't kill for pleasure or anger...very little to no emotion throughout...just methodical a means to an end person. 

He makes a statement about the randomness of life and death by offering at least two of his victims a coin-toss.

"Call it."

The film offers no redemption or Hollywood ending.

The good guys rarely win, and the bad guys aren't always bad.

The good guys aren't always good.

It is a convoluted look at the randomness of life, and ending with Jones character trying to make some sense of it all after a dream.

Incredible film.

Watched it twice to catch things I missed the first time around!

A good bubble bath and getting things ready for a relaxing Easter Day tomorrow.

Happy Easter!

"That's right...I'm an Easter Seal..."