Sunday, April 11, 2021

Radioactive spider bite...Update...Cinnamon Rolls...and The Big Monkey Movie

 Yeah...finally fully vaccinated!!!

So, why does it look like I was attacked by a radioactive spider???

Above is a stock-photo of Covid Arm.

Mine has lasted all week although significantly smaller...about the size of a and raised about 1/8 of an inch...and itches like mad!!!

Didn't even know it was a thing until it happened to me and I googled it...because it wasn't going away.

More commonly occurs with Moderna...and is harmless.

Enjoyed catching up with the boys and Nicole this week...and planning everybody (Tina and all the grands, too) one huge squirmy pile. Going to get pizza and such and the boys are bringing their new guitars.

Can't wait!

(...not too long, anyway...James and Nicole and the Grands are off soon to see her grandmother and have a little mini-vacation in Colorado!)

Lennon has his first vaccine now...had to drive out to Longboat Key for the he is half-way to safe. Called me on his way back.

Good week...lots of rain. Managed to get some Ostrich Ferns planted before it all blew in and already have spiral heads poking out of the soil!

What they look like now...

What they WILL look like when they are grown...

Doing the patio and borders in green and cream and white this year. 

Found an amazing David Austin white rose.

Pure white with a heavy old rose fragrance. Repeated blooms and does well containerized.

Also looking at some more Hostas...and can see last year's tipping already. They add so much to my borders.

My guy has been doing a lot of fishing already...

 and played Old Man and the Sea recently with a couple of sizable carp.

Not terribly edible...and released back to the pond...but they put up a good fight and are fun to catch!

He will be morel hunting in a week or so.

Since I can't enjoy the thrill of the chase, anymore...I've ordered mine already...and they will show up at my door soon!!!

Already organizing a Morel and Asparagus Spring Quiche brunch with Diane and Brenda, when they arrive.

Also got a (quick) new recipe for Cinnamon Rolls using Puff Pastry this week.


Can't wait to try it! Going to top them with cream cheese icing and chopped spiced pecans ala Cinnabon.

No new book this week...outdoors as much as possible with Sofi...between downpours.

An my sister Tina, now has both shots...and Lisa has had her first. We are planning a Sister's Day on May 1st...

Lemon-Drop has not only survived but is thriving!

And one of the new Barred Hens is finally laying.

Her egg is the tiny new one.

This Week's Movie:'s not War and Peace.

It is basically bubble-gum for your brain.

The Big Monkey vs The Radioactive Fire Breathing Giant Marine Iguana

( am NOT telling you who wins...)

But it is well cast...must have had a huge budget...great CGI and a lot of laughs.

Well worth the time.

You'll love it.

Finishing the laundry and dishes, here...then calling it a night.

Hoping to get back to Virtual Africa soon...completely recovered from Walking Pneumonia and slowly getting caught up.
