Saturday, July 10, 2021

Surfside Miracle- Binx...


On Day 16...we received a small miracle in the Surfside tragedy.

It didn't come in the form of a burning bush...or manna...or seas parting...but in a tiny bundle of traumatized fuzzy black fur and bones named Binx

A kitty survivor after 16 days.

Before the collapse, Binx lived with his owners on the 9th floor of the doomed 12 story building. 

Two of them managed to escape that night, and are is still missing.

The family also had another cat and a dog. Both presumed dead.

When everything stopped for a minute, and Binx was found, I freely admit...I cried.

84 people have now been pulled from the wreckage, dead. 

The fact that this little guy survived gives us a bit of happiness where very little has existed for days. 

The family has been reunited with him, now.

And the search goes on.

But yesterday...for a brief moment...we smiled...and were reminded that miracles do exist.

Some even purr.

Not a lot of purring going on with Sofi and Gadget this week. As John and I work on our decluttering both fuzz-butts are seriously disturbed.

"What do you think you're doing??"

"You are messing up our world!!!"

"I liked to have clothes to snuggle into."

"You aren't THROWING that away, are you???"

"You`re leaving me again, aren't you???"

Cats have extreme OCD.

Slowly we are making progress...despite them.

My goal is Christmas.

Yes, of THIS

To be completely clutter-free by Christmas.

My gift to me.

The boys are doing fine. The eldest back to work after a truly horrific dental extraction botch and dry sockets, last week...the middle making it through his first hurricane/tropical storm- alone...and the youngest set to embark on his career, soon. (Yay!!!)

Loretta already anxious to see John and I, and our birthday visit in August...dinner and shopping.

Diane grieving the loss of Tinkerbell (her feline baby) who was almost as old as Tucker, when I lost him.

Brenda and I planning an upcoming brunch together next week...she fell recently...not getting hurt, but blacking both eyes badly.

"OMG...what happened to you???"

"Bar Fight."


Angie is doing better with her long-haul Covid symptoms...and may be envisioning a new direction with The Shoppe. Also selling several paintings recently!!!

Which has to feel good.

Slowing down a bit today...just some surface cleaning...repotting...a good bubble bath and nap...and maybe working on my latest painting.

I can resume the bedroom excavation tomorrow.

Have a Wonderful Weekend!



Binx, after a bath, food, water and love...