Saturday, September 17, 2022

Finally The Weekend...a Summer Cold...And More


So...which will it be, then...Gouda or Cheddar?

...excuse me...???

Which cheese will you be having with that incessant whine?

...pass the Kleenex and shut the hell up...


Face it...cats can be less than empathetic at times.

Especially when it disrupts their comfortable lives and routine.


Empathy was, like Monday thru Wednesday, okay???? Now you're just getting on my nerves...and clean up this mess...and what the hell is that smell???

Okay, I must be getting better because the mess is starting to bother me, too.

Today is a major Cinderella Day.

End-of-Summer colds just suck...not sick enough to just stop and lay down...too sick to do much of anything.

But it appears to be almost over...thankfully.

Oh sure...there was football.

Monday's SeaHawks in their new uniforms of highlighter green!


Thursday's Chiefs  (Watson) and the interception at the one yard a rookie...and ran 99 yards for a touchdown...something that will be recalled for years and years. AMAZING!

And it was a great week for Ukrainians...and a not so good week for Russians...with the Ukrainian Counter-Offensive. They have been kicking ass and taking names.


And in politics...a huge blue wave is building...and the best part is that the GOP realizes it...

Only 53 days left.


But mostly it has been fighting a fever...and a sore throat...and hot tea & honey...and sleeping...and soups and broths...Covid tests and bleah.'re whining, again...


Haven't heard back from Hannah, her PET scan.

Talked to KB this morning (who is settling now...having gone through entirely too much in his 17 years) but he knows this, too, is temporary and we will see each other soon.

Planning to see Nicole, Emma and Aiden in early October.

And fear, that like Preston, I may have lost Brenden entirely.

Divorce sucks.

John goes for another scan at the very end of this month and will be getting the oncologist, thoracic surgeon and cardiovascular surgeon on the same page before chemo, radiation or surgery.

We are planning a mini-getaway before treatment starts.

Unless you saw the would never know he has cancer. He works out (rehab) three days a week and has been riding from 5 to 17.5 miles per day on the alternate days. Eating well and going into all of this in great shape and a good attitude.

It is going to be okay.

And like Sofi-Cat's buddy, Charlie...Gadget now has a feline pal from a door or so down.

Meet Mr. Wilson.

About half-grown Gadget.


When I first saw this through the crack in the screen shot...I thought the eyes looking back were just a reflection.

Not so.

Mr. Wilson regularly visits, now...taking up the role of mighty squirrel hunter.

Complete with butt-wiggle and all.

The squirrels seem pretty unfazed.

So...yeah...just getting this mess cleaned up...planning a deep bubble bath and good food...and a relaxing weekend.

Have a quiet weekend.



