Saturday, September 10, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II...King Charles III...and The Start of The Regular Season!


Queen Elizabeth II has been the queen for a long long long time.

( ask...)

Well, when I was born in 1960 she had been queen for eight years, already.


When I graduated HS she was STILL the queen.



In the late 80s when I had my children..she remained the Queen of England


In the 90's when I graduated from  Nursing School...yep..still the queen.


When I became a grandmother in 2004 she continued leading her nation.


When cancer ended my career and then in 2010, my husband's life, she was steadfastly The Queen.


With two of my boys now married and a houseful of grandchildren in 2015 she remained queen.


In 2018 when John and I got back together after 2 separate lifetimes and the deaths of both our spouses...she was still Queen Elizabeth II.


With her 2022 death I came to the realization she had been ruler for my entire life.

The last photo of The Queen.

 And at 73 years old Prince Charles is now

King Charles III

The Queen is dead...long live The King!

And the regular football season has started!

Both the Colts and Chiefs play their first games tomorrow.

Colts at 1:00 and Chiefs at 4.45.

John and I are waiting with bated breath...and snacks, of course.

Anxious to see our new QB...Matt Ryan do his thing.

Equally anxious to see Mahomes again.

And in only one week we play EACH OTHER!

Which will be all kinds of exciting!!!!!


He has been working out at rehab and been riding his bike a lot on the off days.

Taking me along through photographs.


Holding our breath for the final (chest) MRI next week and then to get the team of surgeons together and the oncologist/radiologist.

We are planning a couple of days of normalcy before treatments start. normal as we EVER get.

So there's that...

Cinderella Day here...and maybe even some outside tidying before the rains come.

Have a Great Weekend!




Honey, I think the cat is broken!


Colts vs Texans.


Football is going to be the death of me.

3-20 going into the 4th /quarter...then in one quarter we managed to tie it up to 20-20...

(...and I ate an entire bowl of ice cream because...damn...) 

But in OT with less than a minute on the clock our kicker MISSED the FG...

and we ended up with a tied game.

(...and that is why we drink...)

On to the Chiefs vs Cardinals Game. the lemon sorbet they give you as a palate cleanser at a high-end restaurant between courses...

Patrick Mahomes.

My favorite QB.

And all the talking heads predicted disaster when Tyreek Hill traded to Miami.

Poor Patrick...whatever shall he do. the moment he has 5 touchdowns...but we are barely into the 4th we will see.

We won..we won...we won!!!


...but wait...there's more...

Tom Brady and the Buccs are playing their opener at 8:20. know you've got to see...

Football Season's gonna be the death of me.

I have an hour to fix food!

 OMFG... is a crapfest.

Yes...I suppose defensively from both sides POV it is great...but here it is halftime and the only outstanding moment to me is a 45 throw to Julio from Brady...and absolutely zero TDs from either side.

The entire score so far is made up of field goals.


Brady has been sacked twice.

...which has to be rough on a 45 y/o QB...

but so far feeling very meh about the entire ordeal. 

And Tom looks like he has lost 50 or more pounds...and not a healthy look...gaunt...

Oh well...back to the game.

 And it's over. 

Buccs won 19 to 3.

Longest damn game of my life, and several hours I will NEVER get back.

Time to turn in....
