Saturday, July 22, 2023

July in The Patio Garden...Our Summer Escape...Finnegan...and a Book and Movie Review

 Enjoyed sitting out in my Patio Garden reading and sipping cold sweet tea.  Dead-heading flowers and being straw-bossed by Finnegan.

 He, who now permits me to touch him!

Anyway, he surprised me this morning by climbing the black locust behind my place...running along its wide branches...jumping limb from limb...then settling in a wedge like a jaguar with dangling paws.

It was impressive.


 Have been experiencing multiple outages from ATT on my mobile...and TBH, realized how relaxing some downtime really is.

...okay...after I got over the online support chat telling me to-

"Call the 800 number."

 Yeah Buddy, if I could DO that I wouldn't need you, now would I???...

John and I received good news at the beginning of the week as all the auto-immune tests came back within normal limits.

Had a mid-week escape together!

We were the pair this week...he still having intermittent body severe pains and earlier I cracked a molar and was on strictly soft foods. 

Him...having to change sleeping positions frequently...really really really frequently.

Me...reduced to eating puddings...mashed potatoes...soft meatloaf...the inside of peach cobbler (but not the crust) and the like.

Yeah...we were a hot!

But somehow we managed a great getaway...we are resourceful like that.

Love you, guy!

Caught an early showing of 

and it was amazing!

The return of not only Indy...but also Sallah and Marion...all aged, now.

Mads Mickelson played the quintessential villainous Nazi.

...and watching multiple Nazis get punched in the face is always entertaining...

Not a lot of spoilers, here...but go see for yourself...the end of Indiana Jones. 

After returning home, I had to re-watch the first one.

They were all so young back then.

So were we.


 The book of the week was:

Also very good.

The musings of a 109 year old told to his neighbor (the author).

The changes he saw...the life he led...and the people he met along the way.

Very uplifting and positive.

I think I am adopting him (posthumously) and Jean-Marie Calumet (who lived to be 120 in France) as my new muses!

Enjoying a quiet weekend filled with a new book, painting, plants, a hot bath...and a lot of relaxation!


Have a GREAT Weekend.


Carla and Finn




