Thursday, July 27, 2023

Otis is Back!!!


Last night we all breathed a sigh of relief as Otis...late...appeared in The Riffles below the falls...was greeted by 747 (...who is his buddy...) and then took his rightful place in The Office.

The cameraman stayed with him until he caught his first salmon!

A bit thin...but none the worse for wear...words cannot adequately express how wonderful it was to see him return for another season.

In other big bear news...88's persistent stalking of Grazer seems to have paid off...

"Please don't let her kill me, Amen."

And they have mated.

We may have cubs next spring.

Lots of new cubs this year...several sets of twins...some singles and two sets of triplets. 17 now!

Since the salmon run has started they have started filling out a bit.

Some of them...a lot!

The slower salmon run was responsible for quiet a bit of drama earlier, as well.

Hungry bears...especially with cubs...tend to be aggressive bears.

Seeing more moms with babies down by The Falls this year.

And then there was 806 with her cub already nicknamed "Trouble"...who has floated down lost while wandering off...been washed over the falls twice...and then this...

While wandering away ( was fishing...) ran right into 821...a large boar who was not in the least amused. In this photo the cub was dangling from his jaws.

Mom immediately opened a can of "whoop ass" on him and he dropped the cub...who fell over the falls and ran.

All morning we waited to see if the little guy made it.

When at last they were reunited...and he was just a little roughed up and a lot less adventurous.

"Now will you STAY in the Nanny Tree???"


Ben, 280, whose ears are like headlights.

"Benny, with your ears so bright...won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"


And some of the funny sights you see on the underwater cam...

 "No...I only LOOK like a duck...actually I identify as a salmon."

This morning...

Bears in the Mist.