Monday, October 30, 2017

Happy Indictment Day!!!

Yes is time to play Indictment Bingo!

This might be the BEST Monday...EVER!

Woke up after a late night (...Indictment Eve Party...) celebrations to this

Gates and Manafort (chalk another one up for Miz Cleo) Indicted and Arrested...immediately prompting

The Happy Happy Joy Joy Song

and then...almost like Christmas in got better.

George "Squeal like a Pig" Papadopoulous immediately took a Guilty Plea  and has been talking....and talking....and talking...ever since!

Three Down and so many left to go.

You have to hand it to them...Republicans are fairly predictable.

First they deny it.

Then they get angry about it.

Then they try to deflect, distract and blame something or someone else.

And when all that fails and the shit is STILL hitting the fan...they begin to eat their own.

Every time.


 and this week is going to be one hell of a show.

With Trump on Twitter this morning with CAPS LOCK firmly on tweeting


Sorry, Orange Man.

Real News.  Real Indictments. Real Handcuffs.
(You're) Real Screwed.

Caps Lock won't change that.

And for those who shrieked that Podesta (DEM) was going down too...


He deserves to.

See- that is the difference between rational people and Trumpers. We don't cling loyally to those who try to subvert the US matter which party they are in.

Ya'll might want to take notes.

And speaking of Unconstitutional...they ruled today that the transgender ban in the US Military that Trump tried to push through was unequivocally UNCONSTITUTIONAL and therefore null and void. has been a Great Day for The United States,American Citizens and The American Justice System!

Viva la resistance...