Monday, May 21, 2018

Rose and Idgy's Spring Adventure 2018

Friends...don't let friends drink...
                                              and accessorize The Cat.

Just saying.

Wonderful end of the week adventure together!

Coffee and Biscotti every morning.

Tried the New Coffee, Che (her son), discovered

 To paraphrase Robin Williams.

"This isn't a coffee for drinking. This is a coffee for laying down and avoiding."

Billed as the world's strongest coffee.

I have a different take on it.

This is Ex-Husband (or Ex-Wife) Coffee.

Vile, Horribly Bitter, Generally Useless, and
You're probably never going to let it back in your home again.


We enjoyed Mexican out...and cooked in a bit.

We plundered Hobby Lobby...found canvases, and I fell in love with this little vase.

(...Irises are cuttings from mine...)

We painted together.

Her's modeled (..and titled: Emotional Comfort) after the REAL story of a woman (an artist) who attempted to board an airline recently with her emotional support service animal...a peacock.

Prompting United and Delta Airlines to make a list (effective in July) of service animals restricted from planes.

Partial list:

  • Amphibians
  • Ferrets
  • Goats
  • Hedgehogs
  • Insects
  • Reptiles
  • Rodents
  • Snakes
  • Spiders
  • Sugar gliders
Peacocks seem auspicious in their absence...and apparently you can STILL bring your miniature horse/pony as a service animal...

Are there people who actually have Service Spiders?
Is a Service Tarantula a thing???


We manage to combine our Birthdays without burning the apartment down.

This is what Hagen-Daz and Thin Mints were made for...and I still think The Flaming Thin Mints would be a great Alternative Band name.

Although, I am not sure the Thin Mints are working.
Not feeling any thinner...

Idgy brought me this

Which was a wonderful combination of Recipes...Jackson Pollock Photos and Art...and some interesting facts I had never known about America's "drippy" modern artist.

I kind of want to do a Julia-Julia Approach with this Cookbook!

Also some fresh pecans from her own tree!

Then, there was the wine...and chat...and memories...reflection...and making new memories...oh...and more wine.

Which kind of brings us right back around to "Shades on the Cat".

Always over too soon.
This morning's coffee and biscotti...back in "The Box".

Missing you already!

While she and I were having our almost 12 year old grand-daughter was experiencing her very first formal dance.

So grown up now!

There was this wedding across the pond.
Perhaps you heard.

And the lava rivers from Hawaii's volcanic eruption reached the Pacific ocean creating the Newest land on Earth.

Other things that blew their top, this Sunday?

This Guy.

Who unleashed the fury of Twitter with a series of 5 tweets...each more unhinged than the last lambasting the Department of Justice...Mueller...The the last stating that Monday morning he was going to DEMAND things change.


Because I am pretty sure this STILL isn't a dictatorship and even more sure that the DOJ...FBI...and Mueller couldn't give a flying fuck what this Marmalade Tyrant-Wanna-Be demands.

I am way past saying that this isn't the way presidential people or people who aren't guilty act...hell...this isn't the way SANE people act!

But, it's going to be entertaining.

And lastly...speaking of entertaining...

Saw this on Sunday Night.

No spoilers...yet. Because so many haven't seen it...but OMFG!!!!!

If you haven't seen it if you have to...but go see this movie.

Better than even Infinity Wars...which was Outstanding!

A Must See. 

(...are you still sitting here??? Log out and see this go...)

Back to Virtual Tasmania Tomorrow!

More Anon...