Friday, September 7, 2018

...and yet more politics...

Sorry G.O.T fans...saw this and literally laughed out loud. has been a REALLY chaotic week at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The Pre-release coverage and excerpts of Bob Woodward's book


Which is interview with pretty much everyone in the current White House...and it is not as bad as we thought.

It's so much much worse.

And Trump flailing away on Twitter refuting a great deal of it as Fake News...except Woodward is a PROFESSIONAL and has 100's of hours of the interviews on TAPE!


He can't be happy about that.

But wait, there is more...

NYT published an Op-Ed from an Anonymous Senior White House Staff Member who not only corroborates what we all pretty much knew was happening in there.


and now the already paranoid Trump is on a real Witch Hunt among his own one point asking Jeff Sessions and the DOJ to get involved in finding out who #LODESTAR is...


Somebody needs to take him  aside and let him know this isn't how ANY of this works. The 1st Amendment protects the Free Press. The Free Press protects the anonymity of their sources...and this isn't some tin-horn dictatorship known as Trumpistan. 

It's an embarrassment.

Democrats in Congress finally assembled an ACME spine and have been standing up to his attempts to ram through Kavanaugh's appointment to the SCOTUS. So far, pretty successfully.

This marks Day 4.

With special kudos to Cory "Fine...just exclude me then" Booker for showing us
the emails in question even though it may result in exclusion.

Enjoying the Twitter game of LODESTAR CLUE

(Remember the board-game Clue?)

My guess is General James Kelly in the Library with a Montblanc.

James Papadopolous won the PLEA BARGAIN lottery (...remember the coffee boy...) who was just sentenced to 14 whole days hard time and a 9,400 dollar fine. appears the caged bird has been doing some hearty singing...waiting to see where all the feathers land.

and today...just when we ALL needed it.

Former President Obama at Urbana, Illinois.

Finally weighing in. 

This is a MUST WATCH. 

Trump immediately stated afterward that he "fell asleep" during Obama's speech...which may actually be true, since Trump tends to have the attention span of high-speed dryer lint.

But it would serve him well to watch it...and take notes.

More as it always does!

                                   "YOU...did you write that Op-Ed???"