Saturday, August 20, 2022

The End of Summer's Flowers...Mid-Week Celebration at Almost Home..and More


Everything getting leggy and finished...the summer flowers almost done, and in a week I will be planting the Fall stuff.

My bamboo is nearly a foot tall, now.

The hummingbirds have feasted on pink petunias all summer...even preferring them to the two feeders. The babies have grown from bumblebee size to nearly as big as my thumb.

They love the petunias, too.

Diane is finally back home from the hospital. Her doctor believes the recent heart problems are a lasting effect of two bouts with Covid. She must be feeling better though...she wants to get together for KFC as soon as possible.

My grand-daughter tolerate her surgery well and is on the mend...they have a PET Scan scheduled soon to make sure the cancer did not infiltrate anything else.

John and I celebrated the return of his PET Scan midweek with Brunch at Almost Home Tea Room. So happy...the scan showed absolutely no spread to anything. 

After his MRI next week...we should know more about surgery and treatment for the lung cancer. It is fairly confined and may only necessitate the removal of one lobe.

Charlcie put the house on the market and immediately sold it! She is transitioning well to living with her daughter...and has even hosted a couple of Euchre games with The Usual 

Soon, John and I, are going to spend a night and day up there and take her out a bit.

And after several of the primaries...

and quite a few of the nut-jobs being supported by Trump winning their primaries...well they have started looking around themselves.

"Holy Shit...What have we done?"


Dawn breaks.

They may have won their primaries...but they are too far out there to win a general.

None of the Democrats will vote for them.

Very very few of the Independents will.

And some of the Republicans won't either.

Ergo..we win.

All we have to do is show up and vote.


Have a wonderful weekend...







"I'm on it..."

                                                                                                     "Me, too!"