Saturday, September 3, 2022

Labor Day Weekend...The End of Summer...And a Lot of Other Stuff


The Summer Patio's End...

Soon to be replaced with the Fall Decor.

A shift occurring at Brooks Falls and the bears, too...

151 (Walker)

856...and behind him in The Office...480 (Otis)

A cataclysmic power shift caught on video as the dominant male (856) who has been the alpha boar for several years now...had his clock completely cleaned by the enormous 747.

Walker who was there, as well, immediately put his head down in a sign of submission and stayed that way until the fray ended.

Poor Otis, who was trapped behind 865 just minding his own business, did likewise and skirted away as soon as possible.

747 completely overwhelmed 856 and then when the bear took a submissive position and would not raise his head or make eye contact the triumphant boar stood over him for a long long time.

747...the new dominant male.

(...and possibly on his way to winning this year's Fat Bear Contest...)

The salmon run and spawning almost over...after which the adult salmon will die and the bears go into hyperphagia...stuffing themselves before hibernation.

To be honest...the bears have saved my sanity this week.

A welcome distraction.

So much has happened, I hardly know where to start.

Hannah will soon have her PET scan to see if the cancer has affected any other lymph glands/organs.

John consulted with the thoracic surgeon after the biopsy's return and we now know that the cancer in his upper lobe is rare and much more difficult than we imagined...because of the vessel involvement and the position it may be necessary to reduce its size through radiation/chemo before it can be operated on. 

The good news is that Curry (a friend of ours) will be up for the surgery and will be picking me up so I can be there...such a worry off my mind.

In the midst of this we almost lost my sister, Lisa...who fell and laid for days before her daughter came to pick her up for an appointment.

Toesha probably saved her life.

She had not eaten or drank or been able to move/change position for days.

Bruised badly from the fall...and already having tissue breakdown from non-movement.

When Toesha found her she was already confused and then non-responsive from the combination of trauma/severe dehydration, and increased BUN/CREAT levels.

So thankful for Tina...who kept everyone in--the-loop over the past few days...and that Lisa's labs are coming down to a much more reasonable state...she can communicate now and knows where she is at...has been moved from the critical care unit to a private room and doing so much better.

She acknowledges that she can not longer live alone and will be transferring to assisted living when she leaves the hospital.

And John...who helped me deal with all the stress!!!

All in all, a scary ordeal.

So yeah...I've decided to take this 3 day weekend and basically do nothing but take deep bubble good food and love on the cat.

It will all still be waiting out there on Tuesday.

Have a Relaxing Labor Day

"More treats, please..."