Saturday, November 26, 2022

The End of Fall...Thanksgiving...Ringing Out...and Stuffed Cats


Ned Stark was right...

Winter is Coming!

After the small snowfall a week or so ago...the temps have hovered in the 20's to mid-50's range.

All of my colorful leaves are brown and scattered throughout the yard and drifted in corners and against my patio arbor and numerous flower-pots filled with crispy remains. All of which are headed for the compost box to return as thick black Spring soil.

Planning a Cinderella Day inside...a Buttoning Down Day outside...then a hot bubble bath with candles...and maybe some more of the leftover feast...because it is there.

So much to be thankful for this & friends...ENOUGH (and knowing what enough is) good food...good health...and the cats.

My new mantra

"It is always okay...there is always enough...and there is always something to be thankful for..."

*I think I may simplify this into my next tattoo


And put it on my wrist where I see it every day.

This week one of the things we are MOST thankful for is the end of John's chemo and ringing out!

Only a few more days of radiation...and hopefully we will have beaten this thing!

Soon another CT Scan and then an appointment with the doctors...we've a celebratory steak dinner planned (also his birthday) and later a Christmas Getaway!

You gotta have a plan.

Enjoying this long long food filled weekend. Turkey/ham and dressing and green bean  casserole...and rolls....and pies and whipped much pie. The rest of the turkey now settled into a pot of egg noodles.

 The cats are in little ham or turkey comas...and don't even get me started about the whipped cream...which Sofi now

"Ya got anymore of that whipped cream???"


"Can't talk...napping..."


"I SMELL ham!!!"

                            -Mr. Wilson

Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving Weekend.


Carla and John

(and the cats!)