Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year's Day 2023


Sipping tea and enjoying rice with sugar and butter.

                         2022 must be over...the cheese and crackers are gone.

Getting ready to watch The Chiefs play the Broncos at 1PM.

John will be watching The Colts game and at half-time we will compare notes.

Enjoying the peacefulness and quiet of the New Year.

My word for 2023


 Not only that 2022 is over...but for all that is good and right with my life. It's easy to be dissatisfied, mumble, grumble, bitch and complain. It is much harder, yet more satisfying, to acknowledge what is right with your life...that there is always enough and whatever is is going to be okay.

                                        It is always going to be okay.

Goals this year include:

PT and OT at least 3x a week to maintain/regain skills.

Getting back on the 4:3 because for maybe 3 years I have

                                              ...yeah...kind of like that....

Stop Procrastinating.

Connect/reconnect with all (or most of my grands) following last year's divorce and family is not their fault and it is not fair to keep them from each other...or people who love them. Even if this takes until they grow up. And they will grow up.

Getting back to using the library regularly.

Virtually explore South America.

Maintain the house and myself better this year...because last year was dismal.

That is about it. 

Life is Good.

Now back to the first football game of the New Year!

Happy New Year!


Carla and Sofi-Cat