Saturday, February 11, 2023

Superbowl Weekend...Miracle...MVP...A New Tattoo Design


Still swimming with the whale...through the speed-bumps and glitches of a new Social Media site that is expanding to  hundreds of thousands right now.

What started with 10,000 pre-registered (like me) grew on Thursday to over 200,000 by noon. Even with a huge team and 5 was slammed.

They slowed new admission to 1,000 per helped somewhat.

It is a wonderful patient.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

Gearing up for Superbowl Weekend.

John and I are firmly rooting for Our Chiefs!

Acknowledging that The Eagles have had a phenomenal year.

Patrick Mahomes was deemed MVP yesterday!

 So  we've got cheese and crackers and nachos and dips and nuts and an assortment of wonderful snacks for tomorrow's big game!

And a miracle this week.

This little one.

A newborn girl dug out of the wreckage and aftermath of the earthquakes and subsequent after-shocks.

A miracle because she was just born...still attached to her dead mother by her umbilical cord. The rest of her family crushed in the rubble.

And yet somehow she survived.

A couple of cats have been dug out alive mostly pissed off...and I have seen one thoroughly traumatized dog pulled from the mix of stone, plaster and rebar.

Over 25,000 people have perished and an estimated 75,000 are injured.

Countries from all over the world, including our own, are assisting in the humanitarian crisis.

Proving people can be amazing.

And that new tat design?

Don't know just where yet...but definitely going to happen!

Jumping off to police the house...touch up my hair (found some rich mink dye)...maybe get a short nap and later dinner.

Can't wait for tomorrow!



"See mom, I told you that you were a crazy cat lady!"



Update:  We Won!!!!!

What a great game!