Sunday, April 23, 2023

Relaxing Weekend...Prom...and Soon to Be 63

 Fully Spring out...and gardening plans are made. Hoping to start planting containers and borders by the end of next week. 

I am loving all the shades of green...from the bright Spring greens of the carpet moss and locust the deep forest greens of the firs and everything in between.  The willow now a dusty sage green despite its yellow green start to the season.

My grandson, Brenden, who turned 13 this weekend and is officially a teenager, and my grand-daughter, Hannah, who recently celebrated her Sweet 16...and stopped in last night to show me her beautiful prom dress!

( can it be prom already???)

 Simple...she was invited by a Junior.

John and I, making our Birthday Plans/Adventure for next week.

Tomorrow, I will be 63.


( the hell???)

Most days I don't feel anything past it is all good.

Speaking of feeling good...

Fixed the end of the grays with peppers...then realized I can order more...and more...and more.

I can have Birthday Morels (grays) all year!!!

Still wrapping my head around how good dried morels taste.

Just like fresh.

We've the Inn reserved, a shopping trip planned, a new BBQ place we want to try, and a movie out ( be determined...) but the very best birthday present is the he has beat lung cancer...and that they have completely discontinued the immuno-therapy!!!!!!!!

So relieved.

From now on it will be random scans to make sure it does not regroup/come back....but we are hopeful.

He is feeling so much better now!

( am I...)

Finishing my painting for Mexico this weekend...doing some reading...deep bubble baths and cooking...but that is pretty much it. 

Enjoying the break!

"On it, Mom!"







