Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Yeah, it is kind of like THAT.

It has been such a relief for a political junkie, such as myself, to move political gab to the Twitterverse these days.

I am pretty sure my friends and family on Facebook and other social platforms (...and tend to be all over the place religiously and politically...) are thankful too.

To put the whole matter in perspective. Take Facebook for instance. I have 147 friends on FB. I know each one of these people personally. I don't "friend" strangers or gather random people. Quite a few are my family. A few are kids who grew up with my kids, now grown. Some are Texas Gathering friends. Or our DS Group...that turned into extended family. A few I know from my Nursing Career.  Three are Bill's old college roommates. One is his ex-wife. One is my best friend, Idgy and one is ( you, bigly & muchly...) John.

In contrast on Twitter I follow 4886 people and am followed by 4152 last count.  I know NONE of them. Although we often talk amidst ourselves or sit up until random hours of the night together holding our breath through special election returns. (...think last night...)

We will never have coffee together...or brunch...or even hold a political protest or rally outside of cyber-space

And that's okay.

The anonymity is nice. Like the drunk at the bar babbling his hopes, dreams, ideas, grievances, or secrets to a local stripper...I can talk politics without fear or worrying what anyone else thinks of my opinions, outrage, smart-assed comments.  Don't like what I have to say? Don't appreciate my cynical humor? Clutch your pearls and have vapors at my use of the word  "fuck"?  

Unfollow me. No harm no foul.

I probably won't even notice.

I get to chat  real time with some people I would never have otherwise had the chance well.

Favorite authors. Comedians. Actors. Politicians.

It seems everybody has a twitter account now.

It I can make (author) Christopher Moore laugh...I consider the day an amazing success. More often than not, though, he makes me pass coffee through my nose. He is a hard guy to out-funny.

I've learned that Stephen King dislikes Donald Trump as much as I do...but John Cusack hates him more than the both of us!

Sometimes I troll Trump. When he has come off with something particularly obnoxious or stupid...I been known to comment it with

"You know you're STILL going to prison, right?  Just keepin' it real."


I stay in my Blue Bubble. I do not troll MAGA people. They have their own issues.

Bless their tiny hearts.

Do these look like stable, happy people to you?

So most of my rhetoric falls on the ears of the choir...or at least the recently converted. I am aware it is an echo chamber, and I'm okay with that.

This Administration takes care of any chaos that may or may not have been lacking in my life...daily. 

So last night...sitting up late because...politics...okay.

Twittering with other political junkies. All of us on VOX...getting the up-to-the-minute news on the Ohio 12th District Special Election returns.  Fingers poised over the refresh button.  Jabbing away.

Yes...a lot of us.

Yes...we know it is a sickness.

No...we don't care.

Several Primaries yesterday, too...but the results of those can wait until morning.

Ohio's was Special...not only a seat in the House in balance...but yet another litmus test for November's Blue Wave.

Typically a deep red (for at least 3 decades) should have been a hands-down GOP win... Troy -vs- O'Connor

But not this year.

Voter turnout was up 152% with the Democrats, and down 35 percent with the GOP- in Iowa this year. Kind of a bellwether.

At midnight the race was still too close to call separated by less than 1800 votes...with an additional 8000 still out in absentee and provisional ballots. Troy was up by .9%

Of course, Troy and Trump and Fox News called it for Troy...but none of the other networks did or would...

Once all the votes are counted...then we will know.

Regardless of who wins or loses...and sure...I want O'Connor to win...but he already has.

The GOP knows the force they will be reckoning with in November.

(...and trust me...they are scared shitless...)

 Hopefully with an even larger increase in numbers by then. And unlike District 12, which has been a Red Keep for years...the rest of Ohio has pockets of purple and blue.

This was the REAL message.

The rest of the week's would be funny...if it were someone else's government and country, I guess.

Where Trump tweeted and threw Junior under the bus.

Gates flipped on Manafort and told everything...even the fact that he conned and stole from....

wait for it

Paul Manafort. 

Who was so busy conning and stealing from everyone else he didn't even notice.

"Et tu, Rickie?"

Apparently there really is no HONOR among thieves.
Who knew?

And the ACLU has now filed a suit against Dobby the House Elf Sessions because of the way this Administration treated asylum seekers.

"Bad Dobby...Stupid Stupid Dobby"

And Guiliani says now his client (...perhaps you know him...Twitler...) will not be having a voluntary sit down with Mueller anytime soon.

You know what they call an involuntary sit down with Mueller, right?

A Subpoena!

Can't wait :)

And lastly...Chris Collins and 4 of his Congressional GOP buddies have been
arrested for Insider Trading.

And we all know how well that went down for Martha "no time for the yard...redecorating my cell here" Stewart

And it is only Wednesday.

Jesus Wept.

More as it comes...and you know it always does.