Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Midterms 2018

We've made it!

It's today!!! It's today!!! It's today!!!

And I don't know about all of you...but I feel like we have been on the damned bull for a hell of a lot longer than 8 seconds.

Never mind that the last nearly two years have felt like 12.

Yeah...it has been a lot like this...but here it is


Took a brief trip to the grocer's for the long night ahead...good cheese..crackers...fresh fruits and dark chocolate almonds...you know...necessities...lol

Came home and decided to give myself the rest of the day off. Everything that still needs done will undoubtedly be here in the morning. Finishing out my renovations on my bedroom can wait as well because...POLITICS...okay?

It is a sickness...I'm telling you.

Tonight looks promising.
Huge new voter turnout.
And the lines...

OMG the lines!!!

A phenomenal turn out for a midterm election.

I may be projecting a bit here...but maybe...just maybe...people are FED UP and to quote NETWORK

More throughout the evening...

Update 5:53

We have the first results this election night, and it goes to the Democrats!! Democrat candidate for Governor of Guam, Lou Leon Guerrero has won! Let's all hope this is the first raindrop of a Blue Tsunami!

Woo Hoo!!!

More as it comes.

This just in 

First Republican concedes defeat: GOP Congressman Darrell Issa says he is sure his California seat is going blue.

Issa has conceded to California's Mike Levin before the polls even close...


BREAKING: Texas district judge just ordered Harris County to extend voting hours at nine polling locations that opened late this morning.

This is huge...suspiciously Georgia (Kemp) has been riddled with voter suppression today...including no power cords for the voting machines. WTF?

I hope once the election is over there is a full investigation into these acts.



If you are standing in a huge line at the polls and hungry thousands have donated for you to receive Free Pizza while you wait. Just go to the site and plug in your location/information.  It is already paid for...

This is available nationwide!!!


OMG...this might be the funniest think I have seen tonight


Go to right now. Just do it.





Bernie Sanders...projected winner of Vermont Senate

We're heading in the right direction!


Update 7:35

 BREAKING: Democrat Senator Tim Kaine is now the projected winner in Virginia for US Senate.

This may fall under shadenfreude...but Kim Davis just lost her re-election for County Clerk.

...remember...Kim "I am not going to give those gays marriage licenses no matter what the law says" Davis

Well...now the problem is sorted. She NEVER has to again. 


Update: 8 PM


BREAKING: Poll hours have been extended in Gwinnett County! 🚨 Annistown Elementary School NOW OPEN UNTIL 9:25pm Anderson-Livsey Elementary School NOW OPEN UNTIL 7:30pm Harbins Elementary School NOW OPEN UNTIL 7:14pm


and a lawsuit has been filed against Brian Kemp!

BREAKING: Lawsuit just filed demanding Brian Kemp not be able to count votes or handle anything relating to the election.

File this under ideas whose time has come

My 5-point plan to improve American elections 

1. No one waits more than 30 minutes to vote.

2. Election day is a holiday.

 3. Nationwide automatic voter registration

 4. Vote-by-mail available 

5. All voting machines produce paper readouts, post-election audits are standard



 NBC News:  (D) Tom Carper projected winner in Delaware senate.

 BREAKING: Bob Casey (D) wins Pennsylvania Senate, projects

 Donna Shalala is the winner in FL-27. Dem pickup

  Democrat Sherrod Brown will keep his Senate seat in Ohio. This was a state President Trump won by 8 points in 2016, and Brown coasted to victory over GOP Rep. Jim Renacci.


Update: 8:45 PM


CNN projects victories for in Ohio 


in MD 

in DE 


in RI 


in PA



  Tammy Baldwin projected winner in Wisconsin senate.



BREAKING: Georgia NAACP wins a lawsuit, and voting times will be extended by three hours in two precincts near Spelman and Morehouse. Polls will now close at 10:00pm per court orders.

  Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib Is The First Muslim Woman Elected To Congress.

  Conor Lamb Pennsylvania holds onto his seat against a GOP challenger!

  We've taken the House back...which is GREAT...and Ousted Scott Walker from Wisconsin...which is even better...

But the Senate appears beyond our grasp. 

Fairly sure.

And it is late...

Florida seems to have settled for the same old-same old so enjoy your RED Tide and School Shootings and the like. 

You people are hopeless.

MSNBC called Texas for Cruz with only 32% of the vote counted..and a few thousand precincts still out...and people STILL in in lines waiting to vote. So we will see how THAT plays out. 

And Georgia went to Kemp...

At least we have restored some of our checks and balances...

I'll update this tomorrow when the dust settles.

More soon...

Wednesday Morning:

We TOOK the HOUSE!!!!!!!

(...and why are mornings so loud and bright???)

We TOOK the HOUSE!!!!

This cannot be understated as we return to some semblance of checks and balances in our government.

Scott Walker (Wisconsin) is gone...so THAT is GREAT.

Ted (effing) Cruz is a ZOMBIE. He just won't GO AWAY. Texas you has a chance at the real deal with BETO...and you blew it.

Fucking Red States.

Mine included...where we lost Joe Donnelly and gained Braun. 

Oh and Pence's brother won his district here, as well. 


Although it makes absolutely no difference in the grand scheme of things...my County went solidly for Donnelly...so there is that.


Lennon warned me days ago that this would happen. That no matter how good the candidate or how against-their-best-interests it was...nothing would change in the Gunshine State.  

Climate Change. School Shootings. Red Tide.

It did not matter to these idiots...his theory being  

"They are old white racists who know they will dead soon...so it really won't affect them". 

Direct Quote

And he was right.



But there were bright spots.

 Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis is gone.

Scott Walker- gone.

Abrams is refusing to concede the Georgia race to Kemp because of the numerous voting aberrations and suppression attempts.

The Congressman who lamented he could no longer call women sluts...lost his seat to a woman.

 We seated a lot of women in Congress last night 

Two were Native American.

Two were lesbians.

Colorado seated the FIRST openly gay Governor.

And the youngest member of Congress ever.

So despite Red Strongholds around our Nation...the times they are a-changing.

Now to find a cup of coffee big enough to soak my entire body in-

(...and who ate all this junk food...)

More Anon...












PS....and because we can't go 24 hours without some form of chaos from the WH...today Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions. 

No love lost for Dobby the House Elf...but seriously

This Administration is just fucking exhausting.