Thursday, November 1, 2018

Virtual Australia: Daydream Island Living Reef Auarium

Daydream Island used to be known as West Molle Island. It is less than a mile wide and long. This all changed when developers Lee and Connie Murry established the first tourist resort (1930's) on the island which they named after their yacht: Daydream.

The original resort was dismantled in 1953.

There was massive redevelopment of the island in 1967...which was wiped out completely in Cyclone Ada in 1970.

Today there are only two tourist resorts on Daydream Island. One is a Day Spa, the other a Hotel and Overnight. 

In 2017 Cyclone Debbie hit and did a great deal of destruction to both Resorts.
Evacuation was accomplished by Cruise Ship. The area is still under renovations. It is to be reopened in May of 2019

Luckily...this is a Virtual Tour...

So we will visit prior to Cyclone Debbie.

The Open Air Aquarium: Living Reef

Daydream Island Resort and Spa

Since I usually use Sundays as a personal Sunday we will
check out...and recreate Daydream Resort Spa.

Come Along!

Give yourself a relaxing spa day, too

Until Sunday!