Friday, January 3, 2020

First Friday of the New Year...and 2020's New Virtual Adventure

Had to look at the day and date this morning!

Damned mid-week holidays, anyway.

Two in a row.

Thankful that by Monday life will be closer to normal!

(...whatever that is...)

Very sad and disturbing start to the New Year in my apartment building yesterday.

A wellness check/reported foul odor complaint became the horribly obvious when maintenance crew opened an upstairs door to find a deceased-for-some-time resident.

Followed by police and a hearse...and a smell of long-dead that lingered even downstairs for most of the day necessitating citrus sprays and doors blocked open to the outside for fresh circulating air.

Sad, because even after the death was discovered there were no family members friends one.

How terrible to die totally alone, unnoticed.


And to be dead, and no one notice you are gone.


Grateful for my family and good friends...who notice when I go missing even for 1 day on FB...or the phone...or out with the transit in our community.

And to those who do live a hermit's existence...reach out...stay involved in life...don't die alone and forgotten.

No movie this week...but there was a book

A collection of 13 short stories by Joe Hill.

(...also known as Stephen King's son...)

Not the out and out horror of his old man's ghouls and goblins...but the terrifying horror and struggle of fractured, flawed individuals.

Tales of people like you or I...who just jumped the rails at one point or another.

The most shocking and chilling of the collection- to me

All I Care About is You

I read this one on Christmas Eve, and by the end just sat quietly stunned.

(...your results may vary...)

Well worth the read!

And what is a New Year without plans for a New Virtual Adventure?

Working up an itinerary I'll share we start 2020 in Belieze!

Enjoy the relaxing weekend...

We've earned it!