Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!!!

2020...and the picture seems appropriate.

This year is The Gift I'm giving myself.

I touched on this (and blogged it) after Diane and Brenda and I had our Christmas Tea for the year together...where we decided after way-too-many years that THIS is going to be  Our Year.

My Year.

And in the light of that spirit...slept in until 9:30 and it was decadent!

My Resolution for the Foreseeable Future?

Started the year with coffee and chat with John & Gadget...Sofi having already been brushed and fed and loved and played with...and curled up....back to sleep on her (my?) soft throw.

(...I'm definitely coming back as a pampered house-cat...)

And I encourage every one of you to make 2020 YOUR Year, too!

Going to get some things accomplished that I have been putting off.

Make a list of things I still need to fix here...and buy, to make life easier.

Do a room by room de-clutter...think Swedish Death Cleaning...then KEEP it that way.

Weighed in...and realized from November to Today (...when I always stop the Fast at the end of the year...because I like to EAT...) I have gained 12 tomorrow I'll start back on the ADF (...alternating day fast...) until this is resolved.

(...I knew I had gained quite a bit as my clothes were getting snug...)

Still with the ADF I have managed to stay the same size since 2014. Simple. 600 calorie intake on the FAST days...and normal eating on the non-fast days.

(...but not tonight...tonight is all about an Italian Feast of Sausage and Peppers, Zucchini and Parmesan, Garlic Bread and Salad...the Rest of the Panetone Sweetbread...and maybe a bit of wine...)

But first a candlelit bubble bath.

Because I can.

Give yourselves the Gift of 2020.



Oh, and my Warren Moment

"I have a PLAN for that"

( it applies to savings...)

Going to halve my non-fixed expenditures this year, and bank the other half in savings.

The end of 2019 was a disaster financially, and one that I NEVER want to repeat.

By padding my savings account...I won't.

Wishing everyone a Happy "YOU" Year!


"I can live without the tree..."
