Fully Spring out...and gardening plans are made. Hoping to start planting containers and borders by the end of next week.
I am loving all the shades of green...from the bright Spring greens of the carpet moss and locust buddings...to the deep forest greens of the firs and everything in between. The willow now a dusty sage green despite its yellow green start to the season.
My grandson, Brenden, who turned 13 this weekend and is officially a teenager, and my grand-daughter, Hannah, who recently celebrated her Sweet 16...and stopped in last night to show me her beautiful prom dress!
(...how can it be prom already???)
Simple...she was invited by a Junior.
John and I, making our Birthday Plans/Adventure for next week.
Tomorrow, I will be 63.
(...how the hell???)
Most days I don't feel anything past 45...so it is all good.
Speaking of feeling good...
Fixed the end of the grays with peppers...then realized I can order more...and more...and more.
I can have Birthday Morels (grays) all year!!!
Still wrapping my head around how good dried morels taste.
Just like fresh.
We've the Inn reserved, a shopping trip planned, a new BBQ place we want to try, and a movie out (...to be determined...) but the very best birthday present is the he has beat lung cancer...and that they have completely discontinued the immuno-therapy!!!!!!!!
So relieved.
From now on it will be random scans to make sure it does not regroup/come back....but we are hopeful.
He is feeling so much better now!
(...so am I...)
Finishing my painting for Mexico this weekend...doing some reading...deep bubble baths and cooking...but that is pretty much it.
Enjoying the break!
"On it, Mom!"