Sunday, April 30, 2023

Sixty-Three and Me...Our Birthday Adventure...and More


The cake is gone...our trip is over...and today is the last of April.

And I am 63.


                                               (...I don't FEEL 63...)

No significant difference from 62...and no parts have fallen it's all good.

Starting with a delivered pizza and Coke (by my guy) on my birthday proper...since we weren't leaving on our trip for another day.

(...thank you soooo

And then loading out and plundering Ollies on my new Mandarin Orange candle and the exact saucepan I wanted. Someday, I'm going to replace all my kitchen pots and pans with porcelain lined! So easy to clean and nothing sticks in them. 

Then off to Bandana's BBQ.

And, yes, it tasted as good as it smelled!

Smokey....good with lots of wonderful choices...and five difference types of add-in BBQ sauces on the table.

And even perfectly fried Ocra.

Our favorite room at the Inn...and up early for a Southern-Style breakfast.

You can't go wrong with thick sliced bacon, grits buttered and salted, hot peach cobbler and vanilla bean ice cream and coffee...maybe with some of the ice cream stirred in.

Breakfast of Champions.

Then off to the AMC to enjoy the new

Fabulous cinematography...locations throughout the world...much action and enormous body counts...amazing stunt men (....that's going to leave a mark...bouncing down all 260+ stone steps of Sacred Heart
Cathedral...) and a surprise ending.

Ok...not much on dialog...but they rarely are.

All in all it was a fun ride!

Not War and Peace...just a John Wick film, okay?

The drive both to and from beautiful with the early Indiana countryside...the white twists of the Sycamores...creams and pinks of the Dogwoods....Hunter-greens of the firs...and my favorite 

The Eastern Redbuds that dot the roadside randomly.

Indiana is a lovely state in Spring.

You know what else was a wonderful birthday surprise???

On birthday proper....Fox News fired this guy


Tucker Carlson

Now we will never know if that perpetual look was confusion or constipation.

Either way...Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish.

and Thursday, John's wish came true as we drafted Richardson as our new QB for the Colts.

Expecting great things from him this season!

Ready to make homemade soup on my painting a bit...and get a good nap with the Sofi-Cat.

It's the simple things!


Carla and Sofi