Thursday, December 20, 2012


                                      illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator is

All that is left is the Earth-Shattering Kaboom.

So tomorrow is it. The Apocalypse. End Times. As REM sings...It's the end of the World as we know it... Invited to a huge online EOTW's kind of come as you No parking problems and festival seating. Tickets? No problem.

Had a buddy from Tasmania write this morning that everything was "STILL HERE" as it was already well into 12/21/2012 there...and he was "going to bed"- but then another Australian friend pointed out that the Mayans did live in South there is STILL time.

Thanks Gail, for that bit of reassurance. 

Enjoying the downtime before the holiday. Took a cat-nap with an actual CAT this afternoon. Tucker and I. Him purring like mad. Listening to the rain hit the window. Nothing is more relaxing. 

Baking tonight. 

Delivering the rest of my brownies and cookies and Christmas wishes to my friends/neighbors here, tomorrow.

Missing the Baked Dish Gathering/Sharing we always enjoyed at the Rose Cottage... ~sigh~ and especially Ken's Deer Chili. Talked to Sandy quite a while this afternoon and she is planning a trek this way after the holidays. We shall plunder the Amish, again. Love Peachy's with all the homemade butters and cheeses and breads :) 

And they are promising snow for tonight!  I'm ready :)

Let it snow...let it snow...let it snow...

Catch ya tomorrow...