Thursday, August 8, 2013

An Evening Cup of Details


Apparently someone phoned ahead and told them about us...

The Pennsylvania Gathering.  Gearing up and it is down to the details!  So excited. Not only to see everyone again...but also to meet those we've never met in person- but shared the minutia of our lives together for a few years now!  The agenda now involves poolside at the hotel...a BBQ at Carol's...the Ren Faire...The Gettysberg Tour...Luminaries...Sky Lanterns by the Mill Pond...A Winery and The Pub  :)

Love Carol's suggestion of several of us standing along the route we bring Dave in with signs reading
                     "The British are Coming!!! The British are Coming!!!"

Waiting to see if Diane and Vicki actually let Sal show up in Geezer Attire. Loved the picture. If he shows up like that I am hanging one of those Christmas Tree Air Fresheners around his neck like a lei.

A moment of silence amidst Diane has already KILLED the pool vac. (...without giving us each a turn...I might add...)

                                                  Only Six more Sleeps!

Had to share this...Sheri...Mark's wife in Tampa...who is as into Pintrest as I am...tried these out. LOVE the results. I am so totally going to do this in Fall! I have to wait until Garden Season is over to have great nails...but I do enjoy getting creative with them from late November until about March these days.
Can't wait to see you (and Mark) in April!

Saw Minion Halloween Pumpkins (painted with ginormous googly eyes) as well!
Too cute. 

Enjoyed brunch with James and Nicki this week who are back for the time being...and busily helping refurbish an old apartment...doing a beautiful job!  Saw the progress pics this evening! WOW!

Lennon's classes start soon and Chris is slowly recovering from tonsillitis. We are mutually contemplating the whole "roomies" thing for one more year. Give him a nice nest egg in the bank to start out.  :)   And I can use the split expenses to get a few of the "extras" I want as well!
 A win-win for both of us.

Ever so slowly getting used to the Kindle. I admit it is exceedingly easy to buy the books you want (and inexpensive)...and so very very portable. An entire library in my purse. will never (for me) replace the tactile experience of books or the curve of my silver bookmark with its tiny Mikimoto pearl dangling. And (because I have it in one of those leather booklike covers) STILL catch myself starting to turn the non-existent page.
Old habits die hard.

Rain this afternoon and the crickets, frogs and cicadias are chirping, croaking and buzzing like mad. The sun is slowly setting and out to the patio to enjoy the last light...a glass of wine...and "purr therapy" with Tucker! 

Night all :)