Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Romney Zombie...and other Observations.

Or at least someone to clue him in that he is dead politically (at least as far as obtaining The White House is concerned).

Unbelievable. Almost as pathetic as Florida's Crist.  I said, almost!

Give it up, guys.  Somehow seeing the two of them crying in their beers- Rocky Balboa-like...whining they could have been "Contenders".

And, then there is Indiana's Governor Pence. There really ARE no words.

Mike has decided that gasoline prices have dropped so low in our State that it is time to raise the gasoline tax. Instead of letting us enjoy the breathing room...this is Pence's version of "Let them eat cake". Along with the failed attempts to stop same sex-marriage and the refusal to expand Medicaid or accept funds for Pre-K.

 Can't wait to see how well that works out for him at the polls.

Huge automotive news today

The 2015



                                                      SRT Hellcat (MOPAR)

All beastly machines.  However, the UK has upped the ante a bit with some automotive tinkering of their own.

Presenting the Bloodhound SuperSonic Car

Achieving upwards of 800 MPH. and going for 1000 MPH. Tested in the Haskeen Pan- South takes "Need For Speed" to a new level.

Winter giving us a bit of a welcome respite here, today. Temperatures mellowing into the 50's after a week of single digits. Actually was able to enjoy some patio with the Tucker-Cat and a cup of coffee- time!

Still discovering France and all things Parisian. Found this the other day.

If THAT isn't a reason to explore France...I can't imagine what would be. I am painting a variation of this photo in sepia tones.  Going to (hopefully) make it a multi-medium piece with words and embellishments.

Awaiting a small box of chocolates from Maison Du Chocolat and now have their truffle recipe!

Still working on the sauces. Hollandaise seems to be the most difficult (for me) so  you can imagine my horror at seeing this:

After my not-so-amusing attempt at artichokes. I don't see THIS ever happening.

Incorporating my Quiche Lorraine and Pain au Chocolat into a brunch with friends on Tuesday, Loretta brings a mutual friend to also learn to "Cruise the Information Superhighway".  If we end up in a massive pile-up and somehow breaking the Internet as it is have been warned!

                                 is kind of like THIS...

 This week's book French Women for All Seasons by Mireille Guiliano. A delightful little read filled with homilies and recipes. A must read for the francophile. And perfectly satisfying for the bit of Parisian in all of us.

Working on a Short Story (as yet untitled) for my Online Book Club Contest. Have most of the framework done and fleshing it out this long weekend during the year's first Writer Retreat. Deadline for submission is February 1st. Wish  me luck...

Have a great weekend!


More days until Spring Proper...and

more days (or mornings of coffee and chat in-the-box) until our Spring Adventure, Idgy!!!!!