Sunday, March 15, 2015

Je suis...

The French say:  Je suis...

The Italians: Sono...

The German: Ich bin ...

The Spanish: Yo soy...

In English we say: I am...

Two tiny words whose following statement defines us. Ever changing, at times.
I am a mother and grandmother, I was a wife for years...then a caregiver...and now a widow. I was a Nurse. Now I am a Writer. An Author. A Traveller/Gypsy. A Gardener. A Photographer.

Actually it was at a writer's conference/seminar recently with several other authors that I realized the absolute power of those two syllables, and how as women/ writers we tend to avoid them. Downplay them. In a group of twelve of us...the question was posed:

"How many of you identify with being a writer/author."

Only three of us, myself included, out of twelve answered affirmatively. Most waffled.

"I dabble."

"I wouldn't call myself a writer."

"Not really. I've never been published."

And so it went.

The sad part is that "I dabble" has a book's worth of poetry that she shared. Some of which was outstanding.

"I wouldn't call myself a writer." has been penning her essays since before I was alive. She had been writing since she was 19 and was now in her 80's.

And "Not really." brought a manuscript to share she has been working on for the last 5 years of her life between home-making and children.

The conference was good. Many exceptional ideas bandied about. A lot of laughter. A feeling of "kindred spirits". We exchanged thoughts. Kevetched a bit about writing...not writing...time...environmental factors...what other's in our lives thought about our writing...our writing goals and steps we could take to achieve them...and how chocolate may be the perfect food. Really.

I know that personal perception rarely changes overnight, but I hope that the nine who started that evening doubting themselves, give the concept of I AM some serious consideration in the year to come.

As women we embrace so many negative qualities attributed to us by others; it would be nice to see a few of the positive take root and flourish.

As for me "Je Suis..." is going to be my next tattoo!

 Mais oui, je suis un auteur!