Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Maui's Nakalele Blow Hole...and Heart Shaped Window Rock

One of Maui's Natural Attractions in the Nakalele Blowhole.

Formed by lava tube Pacific-ocean side...sea water rushes in but the chamber is a dead-end so the waves escape by the means of a tire sized blowhole.  Water shoots up from the blowhole sometimes 100 feet in the air.

Several have died getting too near, being sucked in, or slipping on the wet rocks washed out to sea. Recommendations are made by the authorities to stay on dry rock when viewing. This is not a fenced off tourist attraction but instead a natural site so don't prove Darwin right, m'kay?

and because I found the background music annoying...a video capture with better natural sound (...although the two that filmed it are in serious contention for their OWN Darwin Award...)

and some drone footage

In the early mornings you can sometimes see a rainbow formed in the mist of the blowhole from the angle of the sun.

If you look to your left immediately after leaving the blowhole, down the scree path you can see another Natural Attraction of this area. The Heart-Shaped Window Rock that has become an Instagram hit!

Although the camera angle makes it seem much bigger (and higher) than it  actually is.  Maybe 5 feet off the ground from where you are standing and the heart itself...pretty small.  I found that interesting because every picture I had ever seen made it look enormous.  Still it is a beautiful backdrop.

More anon...