Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Ever have one of those mornings when everything seems perfect in your world...and you suddenly take time to notice it...and feel thankful.

To the Universe...God...or maybe just quietly to yourself for a moment. 

When life is good...and everything seems perfectly balanced...and there is enough.

Just a warm mixture of love, life and happiness.

Today was one of those mornings for me.

Early coffee and chat and a few laughs with John.

Making progress on my home...quiet cool morning...good coffee...fresh flowers on the table...sunny outside and the plants are in the bank...all the bills paid...enough in the pantry and freezer...wonderful family and friends...amazing and compassionate lover...Gadget and Sofi...did my weekly Insta-cart...maybe Grub Hub later...and sent Loretta's Box of Goodies (...tea party in a box...) ordered a new rose to plant and a dress I've been wanting...upcoming events to look forward to...Nicole's visit Friday...John and I and Our June Adventure...Brenda's Birthday, Chris and Don's Seasonal Brunch, Lisa and Tina and our Sisters Day together soon.

Yes...despite all the curve-balls and insanity (...fucking murder hornets...seriously???) that 2020 has had to offer

Live for these Moments.

You are blessed.

Life is Good.