Monday, June 1, 2020

June 2020

Welcome to The Middle of The Year...


Who knew that the brightly ribboned box we opened in January...the one we deemed OUR YEAR...was filled with

...Complicit GOP...Covid-19...100,000 Deaths...Quarantine...Murder...Protests...Looting, Riots and Burning in the Streets...Curfew...17 Year Locusts...and Murder Fucking Hornets...


I'm going full-on KAREN here for a minute.

"I want to talk to a Manager, now!!!"


To be fair January through the Middle of March was pretty great...

Then 2020 just kind of went tits up.

We demand a REFUND.

But we are adjusting...and none of us currently have The Rona...and our local protesters here are a calm, socially distanced, non-looting, rioting or burning lot.

We have Rona Quarantine Buddies...friends who have been quarantine well over 14 days and are well....and we get together for coffee and brunch or cookouts with each other. At HOME.

And a lot more family time for those quarantines together.

So that is kind of neat.

Financially...doing much better than the last year.

Hell, the last ten years.

So that is nice.

Offset by the Quarantine 15, of course...

(...the 15 pound gain many people have complained of during the quarantine...)

To be fair, mine is only a Quarantine 10 right now...meaning I have lost exactly 2 pounds since the first of the year.

This will not do.

Was doing fairly well before the quarantine...but then spent 2 1/2 months eating...EVERYTHING.

Bags of Chips Ahoy.

Pints of Ben and Jerry's

Bowls of Pasta.

Realized in May...this had to stop.

My last Insta-cart filled with fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats and fish.

Back to the 4:3 until this is handled!

Fasting Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays...for the foreseeable future.

And the whole Our Year thing...

Well, it is still Our Year...despite the twists and turns.

Diane and Brenda and I can't wait until our Shopping and Brunch  Trips resume...and have put back money for just that.

The next Mall Trip (...whenever that may be...) is going to be a hedonist's wet dream. 

The online shopping experience has been pretty nice, too.

Since we cannot see Loretta (they are on strict lockdown) we all keep in touch by phone...mail...and have been sending her little care packages of some of her favorite things.

Normal seems like forever ago...although it has only been about 10 weeks.

And now that we have adjusted to this New Normal we are all getting a lot done...projects that have been sitting for and touch-up painting and the like.

I've nearly finished my bedroom project

and am keeping fresh flowers in the house again.

And we all have more time for our gardening and plants..and pets!

Starting the Summer Decorating now...


Found a 12 inch pillow slip for my autumn sofa pillow in a blue and brown seashell motif.

And everything NPB in yellow and white stripes...a nod to my favorite Summer fragrance...Giorgio.

 Together we will get through.

Stay Safe...this too shall pass.