Saturday, May 30, 2020

Playing the in Plants and North Patio Beach

North Patio Beach...

Open for the Season!

(...okay...the closest ocean is 1500 miles away...but besides that...)

A perfect day to peruse gardening magazines and order a few more Hostas...drink sweet tea and get some color!

So glad the endless rain has stopped.

 My poor herb basket was to drill more holes.

Everything has been loving the warm wet weather with pop-outs of sunshine. Almost tropical outside.

The Patio Garden and Border Beginning.

"Found the Catnip!"

Sofi was so happy that her new harness arrived. She can enjoy Outside time too, now!

She had outgrown her old one.

Good week, this.

Early on enjoyed Doughnuts and Coffee (here) with Brenda my quarantine buddy. Visions of future shopping trips dancing in our heads if The Rona ever ends....and planning her 66th Birthday Brunch :)

Saw Chris and chatted. He aced his finals, and starts the next eight weeks on  Monday! Relieved to have a week off between things. He and Tina doing well.
He and Don and I are planning a patio get together!
They are off hiking, soon.

James and Nicole and Thor (...who is one of the puppies...but HUGE now...) over this week for a patio picnic (...even watermelon...thanks guys!!!) and brought me the indoor Peace Lily and a huge pot of Ivy. So beautiful! Catching up over cars/plants/grandkids and life.

Lennon called Wednesday and we had our political/Covid/omg these Florida people weekly chat. He is doing well and promises to spray Lysol in the mouth of anyone who tries to cough on HIM.
Work is going well, and grandma is still Covid-Free.

John and I plotting and planning our mid-June Adventure. Including a trek to the nursery. He found me a couple of bags of black mulch for my they will look nice again.
We start and end the day together online.

And sent me this from an impromptu fishing trip the other day...

Still hasn't caught a thing on that rubber frog lure that I bought him a while back...very realistic looking...thought the bass would lose their little minds. SURE caught me, anyway!

 And we have all embraced the New Normal pretty well.

Watching The Rona numbers slip back up...back to 25,000 new cases daily in the US and nearly 1,500 deaths per day.

A change over even the past week.

The numbers look like this now

My County: 136 cases with 7 dead.

My State:  34,211 cases with 1,958 dead.

The US:  1,803,551 cases with 104,976 dead

The World:  6,088,991 cases with 368,673 dead.

Six million infected. 

Sometimes it is overwhelming.

Then, in Minneapolis four officers piled on George Floyd during an arrest over 20.00 with one officer kneeling on his neck...until he was dead....despite him being handcuffed and down.



And a second case of

"I Can't Breath"

The entire rioting that has followed could have been completely averted had these four been arrested immediately

(...face it...if you or I and a group of 3 of our friends had someone restrained and then sat on their neck until they were DEAD...our asses would definitely be in jail...)

but they didn't.

(...okay, yesterday they finally arrested one....)

Never mind that the entire horrific incident was caught on we watched him die...

And major cities around the nation are now rioting and burning.

Most of them are young.

Black and white and many shades in between.

Protesting the absolute injustice and senselessness of Floyd's death.

(and granted...some that just jump in because they just want to watch the world burn)

And before you start in with

"Well, THAT is no way to protest!!!"

try to remember

From taking a knee to BLM...this has been happening for a long long time...people are being killed and it seems you aren't happy with ANY form of protesting.

So sit down and STFU.

And my absolute horror when I saw the thousands packed in the streets...most without masks and realized

The Rona is still out there...

We are doomed. 

We are going to be in Quarantine forever..........

And where is our so-called POTUS through all of this???

A plague that has killed over a 100,000 American citizens, the Economy and
Stock-market tanking, 4 law enforcement officers killing a man in the street on video, riots and burnings in our major cities...

He is engaged in a pissing match with Twitter over 2 tweets being fact checked and one being removed for TOS violation.

I couldn't even make this shit up, okay???

Cuomo and Biden seem to have taken on the voice of calm and reason...helping steer the nation right I am thankful for that.

Even President Obama has spoken out.

And Trump?

Well in 156 days we can dump him and his Administration, so there is that.


Try to have a Wonderful Weekend!

                         "I think the world has gone crazy, Mom!'