Saturday, May 23, 2020

Memorial Day Weekend...2020

Sadly, with a side of Covid-19 this year.

Over 5 Million infected worldwide and 300,000+ dead.

Here is the states we are projected to have 100,000 dead before the holiday is over.

(...we are currently at 98,000...)

The flags have finally been lowered...

Despite all of this, 26 of the 50 states have started re-opening.

My own state is set for Phase 3 by June 1st.

"We can't stay closed forever!", they point out.

"The economy has to rebound.", they cry.

And while there is merit to these thoughts...I am still sheltering firmly in place.

It's too soon.

But many states have reopened the restaurants, and theaters, and bars, and hair salons, and churches...

Here we are...entertain us.

Are we so bored by quarantine that we are willing to risk sickness and death for a sit-down restaurant meal, a drink out, a haircut?

Apparently so.

Funny thing about pandemics...they don't end just because we are

"...done with them..."

They don't care about how uncomfortable...or feeling cooped up...or bored we are.

They sure as hell don't care about

"Your Rights"

Don't like a mask?

You are going to absolutely hate a vent.

Just sayin'

I don't have ALL the answers.

Hell, I don't have any of the answers.

But I know that giving 500 Billion to corporations at the same time people are struggling to pay their rent or have food to eat or medication...and willing to risk their lives so they wrong.

And I know that this pandemic is far from finished with us...even if we are

" done with it..."

Stay Safe, people.

Stay away from crowds...especially in enclosed spaces.

Wear your mask.

Wash your hands.

Use hand bac or gloves.

Stop TOUCHING your face

and don't underestimate The Rona.

(...and don't cough at me or I'll spray Lysol in your face...)


So...enough of this PSA.

Is this a bad time to tell you that the 17 year locusts are burrowing out this year and will be joining us in summer.


Years from are going to ask about 2020, and the rest of us are just going to shake our heads and mutter profanities.

In Oregon...this week...this little guy was born

 A Janus.

A two faced kitten.

It happens sometimes.

This little guy named

Biscuits and Gravy

Two independent head and body.

He is being loved, spoiled and pampered and the family is keeping him.

Although they normally have a shorter lifespan...some Janus have lived 15-16 years!

Bringing out the white tennis shoes and Sissel bag for Summer.

BBQ Ribs and Chips and Applesauce.

The patio garden is shaping up...and waiting to divide my irises and put in a few new Hostas.

The Beginning...

2020 Fresh Herb Basket

Old Lady of a Boston Fern

Bay Laurel (New Addition)

( using these leaves for soups and such...)

And loving all the varieties available of Hostas.

Who knew?

Just ordered a blue mini variety called Mouse Ears which is suppose to end up a bit like this

Tiny and compact.

Using a variety of shapes, sizes and colors in my borders and working on a tiny frog bog, again, to be nestled within them.

Cut and brought in my Purple Flag Irises (now bloomed)

And the place smells just like grape koolaide.

The chorus frogs, booming bullfrogs and hummingbirds are back!

Can Summer be far behind?

Have a Great Three Day Weekend!

"Getting a head start on the napping...go away!"  


"My new harness I can hang outside with Mom while she is playing in the plants!"  ~Sofi