Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Virtual Islands: Great Skellig

Today's island rising majestically out of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Ireland. One of two islands referred to as The Skellocks.

From the 6th Century to the 12th Century Michael Skellig
(the larger of the two) was inhabited by a Christian Monastery. 

 Uninhabited today, it has been brought into the spotlight by the Star Wars franchise...who used it to film The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.

...see...you HAVE seen this island...

Rising 750 feet out of the sea...the ruins of the monastery are at the very top.

And you had to be pretty damned devout, I am thinking to tackle these to get there...

No out-of-shape monks at Michael Skelligs.
600+ stairs straight up. Twice a day.

A look at Little Skellig (the sister island) through a window...

The long winding footpath leading to the great stone stairs.

A topside view with the lighthouse

For many years the lighthouse was manned...but now it is automatic.

Tour of Skellig Island


Skellig  Michael Monastery


Next time:  Ile aux Aigrettes