Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Virtual Islands: Vigur

Located in a fjord off a peninsula from Iceland, Vigur Island not only fits the
remote island category...but also happens to be for sale.

That's right.

The whole damned island.

Before you start making calls to ReMax of Iceland though...you should probably know a family from the mainland is currently in negotiations for it.

All 111 acres of it.  

A Greek investor nearly bought the island, and then backed out.

Only a single farm is on the island and it is used for cattle and sheep.

A windmill built is 1840 is also located on Vigur

It has the distinction of being the ONLY windmill in Iceland.

And because Lovegrove is a birder...it seems only fair to include one of the other things that Vigur is known for...

The Eider Duck

Known for the softest down in the world.

These ducks are encouraged, tended, fed and down harvested yearly. It is used in parkas and comforters.  Not only the softest, but also proclaimed to be the lightest.

No ducks are harmed...the down is harvested from the ground nest (after they leave) and then cleaned by both machine and hand.

The Calls of the Eider Ducks


For now Virgur Island has only six inhabitants...a farmer and his family of 5. The family has owned the island through generations for over 100 years.

They give tours of the working cattle and sheep farm and the windmill.

Also birding tours.

The tour is 3 hours and includes a stop at the farmhouse where refreshments are served.

The season is from June 10th to August 30th.

Vigur Island Tour


An island often described as rugged and cold!

Next time, we will explore St. Kilda

Until then!