Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Christmas Star...A Very Covid-Christmas...And More


A nice surprise...waking to a dusting of snow on Christmas Morning,and starting the day with cheesecake.

Earlier in the week the Christmas Star made its appearance.

A closer examination would reveal

 And an even closer picture from the observatory would show what it is actually-

As near as Saturn and Jupiter will be to us, for the next 800 years.

But it was beautiful in the SW sky.


 A very Covid Christmas this year.  

James brought venison earlier in the week...I did giftcards for pretty much everyone. 


Chris and Tina joined me for Christmas morning...then off to her Mom's later.

They will be back on the afternoon of NYE and we will all have a nice sit down meal. 

I'll use one of the rolling pins to make us cookies!

The Sofi-Cat and I had a very quiet...but steak and goodie filled Christmas Evening!

She ATE half my Porterhouse.

I am so ready for The Vaccine and for this to be over.


This would be ME right!

I have definitely gained most of the Covid-19 pounds...and I can't even REMEMBER the last time I wore a bra.

Re-adjusting back to civilization may take some work.

Most everything else including Our Time with John and I, relegated to January.

(...did receive the best Sharper Image "Make You Warm" item from my gadget guy though, in the post. I LOVE it...I only hope Sofi doesn't take it over!!!)

Can't wait to see you, soon!!!


"I LOVE TV, Mom!"


Getting closer and closer to the playoffs. Quite a few teams doing amazingly well this year.

Quite frankly, I am pleasantly surprised that we were able to squeeze in a Season at all.

Anxious to see The Colts play The Steelers tomorrow.

It is all down to the wire now.

Selfishly, I would like to see Mahomes get the SB again. Back to back Superbowls at 25 would be amazing.

We'll see.

The Book this 


A continuation of the previous whodunit with FBI Agent Atlee Pine.

I had forgotten why I don't read a lot of his writing.

A little Baldacci goes a long way.

Whiplash from the twists and turns...action and reveals.

And the body count continues to rise...and the ending of this one can only mean we are in for a third book next year...

By then I will be ready for it...but two of his novels back to back just leaves you...exhausted.

This Week's Movie:

They're Back!

I think the best thing about this stone-aged saga is the voice-actors.

Ryan Renolds (yes...Deadpool), Peter Dinklage (Lord Tyrion to you), Emma Stone, Cloris Leachman and Nicolas Cage. 

A Dreamworks creation. Plenty of good stuff for kids...but also entertaining throw-aways for Mom and Dad.

Well worth the time.


And maybe the best Christmas Tree of 2020



Enjoy the weekend!