Monday, December 14, 2020

Vaccines Start Today in USA...The Electoral College Votes & More


Sandra Lindsay, said it all.

"Today we start healing"

Lindsay, a front line healthcare worker in NYC, among the first to receive the Pfizer Covid Vaccine.

Shipments arriving through-out the US even as I type this, and today marks the beginning of the end of this plague.


Certainly it will be months.

Maybe even the end of next year...but there is a light at the end of the tunnel, now.

There is HOPE.

And today is December 14. By 7:00 the Electoral College will complete the voting process and Joe Biden will officially be President-Elect of the USA.

(...and no matter what Stephen Miller has said...there are not alternative electoral voters....)

Not that I expect Trump to stop his incessant bitching and whining anytime soon.

If you don't understand you are being played, MAGA...well, it is because you are The Mark.

Grifters gotta grift.

All the while emptying their wallets.