Saturday, January 30, 2021

Let it SNOW...Bernie in Mittens...Brunches and More


The Holidays are over. 

The chocolate-covered cherries are finally gone.

Busy week with Chris and Don here for a Winter Brunch of Meatloaf and mashies and green beans...with apple cobbler, catching up and politics for afters.

"No...I do not sound like a REPUBLICAN!!!"

My sister, Tina and her husband Chad  (also Bandit, their chihuahua) came today bearing a pot of homemade iron skillet of corn bread and a bottle of Moscato. I baked a cherry crostada for afters with whipped cream and had cheddar to top the chili.

It was wonderful!

Tina's tribute to RBG.

Since we are all political animals we spent several hours dissecting...pretty much everything that has occurred since November 3rd...also these:

And my personal favorite...

Yeah...we may have too much time on our hands...just saying.

But now the house is quiet and warm...and beautiful duck feather flakes of snow (the really huge stuff) is silently falling. I have a stem glass of our leftover Moscato and Sofi-Cat and I sat watching the snow coming down until it became too dark to see. 

Tomorrow, the very last day of January.

Still in queue for Obama's- A Promised Land.

The Movie this Week:


Wonder Woman 1984

Good casting, great cinematography, well done.

WW brought into modern times.

Good message, funny at times, and a nice feel good ending...what else could you ask for?

Well worth the time.


Excited about a Mahomes/Brady SB next Sunday!!!

And mixed news on the Covid scene...with 4 variants now...and the African variant above, the latest to join us in the USA.

Although we had several days of 4000 or just under deaths...we are also seeing a gradual decline of new infections.

The death rate is staying much the same at 3 per 100 infected...both in the US and Worldwide.

There are 103 MILLION infected worldwide now.

Johnson and Johnson is soon to release their 1 and Done jab...with 66% efficiency worldwide...and a higher 75% here in clinical studies. But the best part is that zero of the people who received the J&J required hospitalization...even if they did get mild symptoms and nobody in the test group died of Covid. 

No One!!!

And the J&J seems to handle the variants.

Pfizer is formulating a booster to handle the known variants. 

No word from Moderna yet.

Dr. Fauci says that by the holidays next year we may be approaching some semblance of normal.

That is good enough for me.

Have a Great Weekend!


Oh...and every good thing (...rains finally in Cali...) often comes with a bit of bad news.

As part of the coastal highway (Highway 1) through Big Sur eroded and collapsed into the Pacific Ocean soon after.