Tuesday, June 1, 2021

June...Mid-Year Assessment...and Painting the Roses Red

 Here we are.

The MIDDLE of the Year!

If you are shaking your head and saying'

"What the HELL???"

Know you are not alone.

Still, here we are. Time to check how things are coming along...

Fully vaccinated now...and life is slowly returning to normal. We've managed to rejoin society (and our families and friends), sometimes even maskless. We can sit down and have a meal in a restaurant.

It doesn't take much to amuse us, these days.

The Covid rates worldwide are falling although almost 10 variants/mutations exist now. Some of the variants have merged with each other to form their own variation.

Today (worldwide) the numbers are

CASES:    171,827,748 (over 171 million!!!)

DEATHS:      3,573,734 (over 3 million people...gone)

It is truly staggering.

The Plague of the 21st Century


 A late beginning to the Patio Garden and Borders. 

The local garden shop had ZERO white petunias this year...so I settled for pink. My hummingbirds will be so pleased. Finally, hung their feeder...which they promptly converged on. They have been buzzing my patio door for days...peering in...hovering there...like

"Come on, woman!!!"

Pushy little things.

Settled in Morning Glories, Basil and Oregano, and the Petunias today...before tomorrow's rain.  The Field Lilies have a lot of green..but no buds yet. The white lilies are covered with buds and I can't wait to see them bloomed!

My roses are blooming.

Feeling a bit like Alice, though.


Added good artificial ivy to fill out the trellis ivy...

Chris noted it was really a great fake...the only problem was that it was

"Too Green"

Too perfect. 

 Well, am I an artist or am I an artist?????

Checked out my very real climbing ivy on the wall and got a feel for the occasional yellow and browning of edges and the occasional leaves...picked up matching paint to mix and soon to make my intertwined faux ivy a little less...er...faux.

(...you can stop rolling your eyes now...)

Working on the excess Covid weight...and slowly regaining my muscle tone.

It is a PROCESS.

Part of the process involves resuming Physical Therapy with daily workouts...and going back to the 5:2 (which is actually the 4:3 Alternating Fast Days for me until I get comfortable again).

After eating pretty much EVERYTHING for over a year...

Going back to a 500-600 calorie Fast Day feels a lot like this.

But I have managed to stay in the same size...and soon my clothes will not be snug.

...hey..so I survived Covid face-down in a pasta bowl...I can live with that....a lot of people did...


 One of the most amazing things that has happened this year is recovering a little of my eyesight. I have no idea why or what has happened. My vision has been reduced to about 3 feet (clearly) for several years now...suddenly a couple months ago I realized I was able to see things and read signs I thought I'd never be able to see/read again.

Go figure, eh?

I am beyond grateful.

 Defurred, and soon to make that hair appointment. Maybe highlights again.

Financially, the best year in over ten...so THAT is really good. Even getting pimped for credit cards again.

Overall, shaping up to be a great year!

The Great De-Cluttering is nearly done.

Still Zen Buddhist...still meditating...and added a 5 minute motivational video by Matthew McConaughey every morning, that I really like.

Check it out.



Have a GREAT rest of the year!