Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Lady Sofi and Tsar Ivan...Mulching...Cicadas and More


Spent most of the morning spreading fresh composted topsoil and black mulch. 

Most of it while watching the antics of Sofi...and her new suitor (through the window) a large Russian Blue I have dubbed Tsar Ivan.

The Tsar is obviously owned...collar and all...but he and Sofi met through the patio door and both are fairly smitten. Talking to one another through the glass with soft purrs and other little happy noises. It is sweet.

Much more laid back than yesterday, when I inadvertently brought one of the thousands of shrieking cicadas in on my pants leg.  She is fairly frightened of them outside...but in her domain is another story, entirely. She lost her little kitty mind...and the chase (leap, bat, and zoom) was on.

It was pandemonium.

Cicada buzzing and flying...bumbling about.

Sofi leaping...and knocking stacks of books and anything else in her way.

Me, trying to shoo the poor bug back outside.

An outsider would have thought he had stumbled into a mad-house.

All is well that ends well...and the unfortunate creature finally made it (unscathed) back outside.

The cicada have arrived en force now. The tze-tzee-tze is so loud you cannot hear yourself think. The birds and squirrels are feasting on them.

Called Brood X, these are the 17 year cicadas, and they are everywhere.

John and friends have been fishing a lot this week.

He was happy to report that love has won out, and our duck pair is back for another summer.

Also a family of Canadian Geese and their goslings.

and this guy...

Who was caught standing like a giant lifeguard over John and Marsha (...marshmallow...) our Duck Odd Couple.

"Who's going to bring me lunch???"

I think I am naming him Steve, honey.

We are making arrangement for our June Escape to Terre Haute and over into Illinois soon. He was born there.

"Don't think I can get a refund...pretty sure the warranty has expired by now."

Looking forward to seeing where it all began.

No new book or movie this week.

Did manage to get away to Brunch with Brenda and a little shopping together...which was nice.

But mostly an outside soaking up sunshine kind of week...and dodging a few raindrops.

Have a Wonderful Weekend!