Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Virtual Africa: The Congo River

 Winding its way across the jungles...The Congo River (Formerly the Zaire) is the second longest river in Africa...and the deepest in the world.

2,920 miles long and over 720 feet deep in places.

It crossed the equator twice...and is the only major river to do so.

Life on the Congo


 It twists and turns through the Congo rain-forest.  The second largest rain-forest on Earth.




The river also boasts Livingstone Falls.

 ...yes...THAT Livingstone...




Which would have to generate a serious

"Oh Shit"

moment...if you were traveling down this is a boat..unaware.

Speaking of generate...this huge river has Hydroelectric power plants scattered along its basin and generates much of The Congo's power.


With only ten bridges across the river and its tributaries, and 16 ferries...there are only so many ways to cross.

Congo River Ferry

Fish in the Congo


Crocodiles of the Congo


Longer Congo Video ( BEST)



I hope you have enjoyed today's virtual adventure!


Next time we will check out The Silverback Gorillas.

Until then...