Saturday, October 9, 2021

Woodwork...Guitars...Cats and More!


Fall is here!!!!

A chill in the morning air and the trees are just starting to show yellow and orange. The reds will arrive later.


Did my Cinderella Day on Friday so that today and tomorrow are freed up for weeding outside and getting ready for mums & pumpkins next week...working on my autumn painting...found a picture I really like...

 and and Sunday Football!

Chris' latest project!

and James has been busy building an entrance desk for the school!

So cool!

John and his son and his grandsons and even a great-grand are out together,today for a multi-generational fishing trip!

At the bait shop, prior, he was surprised when Willow

(remember Willow?)

heard his voice and ran all the way across the shop...talking to him.

Then jumped up to her spot on his shoulder and rode around the store with him.



It seems he has a cat in every port!

Crazy Cat Guy.

Anyway, Willow has claimed him as her own.

Speaking of cats.

"Get a cat." they said.

"It will be relaxing." they said.

Yeah, right.

Sofi has gotten used to nap-time now.  Between 2 and 4 almost every day. She joins me...unless for some reason I make it to the sofa late...

At which point she looks at me like this.

"I'm not are late...figure it out."


And keeps all the quilt and her part of the sofa...leaving me to find a way to sleep around her. She will not move.


"The is empty!"


"Okay...I guess I'll keep you on..."


Facebook was down for most of a day, this week-

and everyone got in on the fun.

Twitter immediately trolled them.

And everybody got into the fray.

Starbucks, McDonalds,  Burger King, Tom from MySpace, Everyone else, Eventually- even Mark Zuckerberg...and Tampax for the win.

"Hey Mark..I think I've found the problem."

                                                    -Kitty Tech Support

No book, this week...but a great new movie for Friday Night.

This Week's Movie:

The sequel to Venom. Let there be CARNAGE.

And, who better to play Carnage, than Woody Harrelson?



It is an Alien/Parasite film, for godsake.

You have to go in with that in mind.

You'll LOVE it!

Now back to a relaxing weekend...lunch and maybe even a nap.

Sofi's baby picture...see the little pumpkin on her shoulder?

and now...all grown up and decked out for Halloween!

"You thought you were READING this??? How cute."
