Saturday, January 8, 2022

The First Week of 2022



It has been kind of like this.

Yesterday woke up to 5 degrees.

Today is a bit warmer.

Rough start to the New Year.

Lost my friend, Brenda, to cancer.

Diane is slowly recovering from Covid.

Haven't seen/heard from Chris since Thanksgiving ...and James &
Nicole have separated.

 Bill's brother is homeless again...and needs help.

...big deep breath...

This too shall pass.

Truth be told, I have been somewhat immobilized this week from all of it.

But Nicki and James are dealing with everything as adults...and the grands seem to be okay.

Chris is sorting some things of his own, and hope it will all be okay in the end.

I'm going to help Rob (Bill's brother) get to a friend's in least he won't be homeless ( and will be somewhere warm).

I will miss Brenda, of course...and will see Diane as soon as her bout with Covid is over. 

She is doing much better.

John and I, are getting ready for Our January Adventure!

Loretta is good, and doing better than the lot of us.

I am vaccinated and boosted, masked and using Instacart and Grubhub...going out about once a week when I have to...

 Working on my

 Maybe back to normal by swimsuit season.

Fixed a huge pot of homemade vegetable soup to go with salad for the weekend.

And today is James' 35th Birthday!!!!

We will be seeing each other later this week...he is working some extra today.

I am OFFICIALLY older than

Seriously...two years of the plague (and abandoning the 5-2) has left me a size bigger...a bit greyer...and a LOT weaker/out of strength.

Must get back in control of myself, here.

Even John's squirrels have gotten round.


What are you feeding them, honey? 


 It is time to clear away the Christmas stuff...and take down the tree...and get ready for tomorrow's big game.

Colts vs Jaguars

A win...and we have made the playoffs.

A loss...and I believe we are out.

Go Colts!


"Nooooooooooooooooooo....not the tree!!!"


"Shhhhhhhhh...I'm on squirrel patrol!!!"





A bonus: The Chiefs play The Broncos at 4:30.



Update: WE WON...WE WON...WE WON!!!!