Sunday, March 13, 2022

The War...Mr.& Mrs. Mahomes...and More



Nothing says "BADASS" like Ukrainian soldiers playing chess/checkers with Molotov Cocktails at a check-point.

This is Day 18 of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine.

Putin thought 72 hours at most.

After that was over he upped it to 15 days.

Now it is Day 18...Zelenskyy is still President and has balls of steel...Kyiv is still standing...

My morning routine is

Feed the Cat.

Check on Zelenskyy

Cup of Coffee

Oh and the Ruble is less than 1/2 cent.

The Russian Stock Exchange is STILL prevent collapse.

It seems EVERYONE has strong sanctions against Russia.

Ports and airspace are closed to them.

Bang up job, so far, Vlad.


The loss of life ((both sides) has been appalling. Even Journalists.

The shelling has destroyed hospitals and schools and some whole towns.

and a cat story has emerged.

                                              "I have seen some shit, Dad."

I did not get the name of this grey and white survivor.

The man pictured above lost his daughter, son-in-law, wife and mother-in-law together in an instant as the mortar strike flattened his home. 

The only survivor his cat...which he found outside.

Both of them just look traumatized. 

Slavia Ukraini!


Uplifting News this weekend...Patrick and Brittney are now Mr.& Mrs. Mahomes.

Married on Hawaii...with his brother as the best man and family and teammates and friends present.

Finally finished Obama's book on Friday.

It was wonderful...and expectedly verbose.

Interesting to read his inner thoughts as his climb to the top progressed.

Impossible not to hear his cadenced voice while reading it.

Having read this and Michelle's Becoming Michelle some time back...I must admit I enjoyed her book better...but this is still very good and worth the read.


Sofi is back to normal after her heat.


"I LOVE Everybody...."


I made a HUGE mistake in the midst of it all...with a smart-assed joke that backfired spectacularly.

I looked up Tom Cats yowling on You-Tube...because you know they had to be there.

Needless to say she thought her Prince had come.

It was just horrific. Took hours to settle her down.

Take it from me...not worth the three minute laugh.

 Not even close.

 "Lovin' my new house, Mom!"



Hope everyone had a great weekend!