Saturday, July 9, 2022

A New Baby...Tropics...and More

                                        Welcome to the World, Frankie!!!

Dave just brought home his newest grand-daughter (and Clare). Suddenly Mara and Albie are big brother and sister :)

She is perfect!

Around here?  I'm just glad the rain has stopped and it isn't almost 100 degrees with similar humidity, anymore. Felt a lot like New Orleans, without all the neat stuff, for awhile.

The plants, particularly my bamboo, have been thrilled.

"She has moved us to the tropics!"




Happy to see the 70's and 80's well as sunshine.

Today, definitely a Cinderella Day...but hoping tomorrow will be a "weeding, playing in the plants, and sitting on the patio with a good book and sweet tea" kind of afternoon!

Charlcie has now made the move to her daughter's house.

Diane is back in the hospital...she has had a rough year.

Loretta is doing well and happy as a clam to be back in PT. 

Don is back from The Islands, and we are hammering out details for our summer visit. It's my turn to make brunch.

Kayleb's birthday is next week...also July's Sisters Day!

And John and I are preparing for our July Adventure together.

Busy Times.

And two hearings next week.

Tuesday and Thursday!

Cannot wait to see what Cippolloni has to say.

Pleasantly surprised that Graham, Eastman and Giuliani have been subpoenaed in Georgia.

Happy to see that some of the GOP are starting to hum 

'...don't stand so close to me..."

when Trump is nearby.'s unraveling fast now.

  Found a must have during my Virtual China Trek.

And will be getting it soon.

And learning a lot along the way.

...never even heard of General Wu before...

I know...I've got to get out more.


Seeing results from the increased exercise, PT and OT.

Also from my Luminosity scores...although speed and attention are remaining dismal...and kind of expected.

Even my guy has noticed and mentioned he can see a difference in muscle tone...which made me soooooo happy.

Still working on that last bit of Covid weight.

...if it goes...but I'm not giving up ice cream to get

My favorite little bomb-sniffer, Patron, has been making rounds at Ukrainian hospitals.

Covid Omicron Variant 5 is causing a new wave to build worldwide...but nearly all of the serious and/or fatal cases are now in the unvaccinated.

A 5th booster that is being tweaked for variant 4 and 5 will be available soon.

...and yes...I will be taking it...

...yearly like a flu vaccine if necessary...

...because I don't want to be severely sick or die...

Monkeypox has exploded globally, too...and the US now has 2 variants.


In May there were 9 cases in the US.

Now there are over 700.

Worldwide we are now over 8,000 cases.

Mortality is 1 in 10.

The CDC and WHO are expressing concern at this point.

Americans are still at the "meh" stage.

It is sad...after the Covid Pandemic...I realized that in the US we don't take much seriously unless it affects us personally.


Have a wonderful relaxing weekend.







                                           "Hey...where are MY treats???"