Thursday, March 9, 2023

Virtual SA: Mexico...Mayans...And Hot Chocolate


Perfect both my mug from Los Cabos and my ring from Tijuana have arrived!

Today we will explore Mayan Chocolate...and in particular the Mexican Hot Chocolate picture above in my new mug.

Mayans believed it to be the drink of rain god, Chaac.

The hot chocolate drink is made from pulverized, fermented, roasted cacao beans mixed in hot water with corn meal and chilies some sugar or honey can be added for sweetness...but overall the original thick hot bitter drink and bitter.

I have added sugar and a bit of chili power.

The aroma is nice.

So is the flavor.

The chilies bring out something surprisingly earthy tone you don't usually get in hot chocolate.

Very nice surprise.

Truly a beverage fit for a god.

Love the ring. Heavy and hand-made at a fraction of the cost you would pay here in the states!

Mayan Bar Chocolate for Sale.

May have to try one!


Next time we will check out Cancun.