Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Cup of Cocoa and a Trowel

 Although here, the tool du jour would be a snow shovel...and my Garden Fairie is so not amused.

Relaxing today with the Burpee's, Springhill, David Austin's and Breck's
catalogues with more to arrive...planning the coming Spring/Summer and Fall Gardens. Was able to satiate the urge to plant something...anything by setting forced bulbs this week. Should have blooms by the end of the month :)

Settled in beneath the soil and winter snows my Spring bulbs are waiting. Only
36 more days until Spring proper. And soon the Flower and Patio Show in Indianapolis! Looking forward in loading up on the antihistamines and enjoying the pre-pollen! Found that mixing Tulip and Hyacinth scented oils with a touch of Lily of the Valley for the tart warmer will give your house the exact same scent!

Idgy's season arriving slightly before my own and chatting over coffee about Spring Boxes and raised beds and (my new favourite from 2013) composting through the season...and climbers and vines and roses...she is envisioning the raised organic garden bed with fresh grape tomatoes...peppers...basically an organic veggie bed.
With the exception of my Strawberries and herb baskets...this season's beds are all about a cutting garden.  Flowers for every season. More encouragement for the "Flappers and Hummers" and a fresh bouquet on the table every week.  Going to arrange it Cottage Garden-style with Columbine (thanks to her Mom) and Delphinium..Hollyhocks and Irises...Sunflowers and Butterfly Bush. Even planting a couple of Wisteria on opposite corners for an across the top vining with purple clusters...and the bright yellow of the Meyers Lemon on the patio. Along with some pansies in Spring...Allysium carpet (the irony of which did not escape me...planting a carpet of snow after the real stuff melts) and Our morning Glories and some of her latest discovery...Cockcomb seeds procured from the local Amish. The Concords were an absolute wash last year...if they don't start off with a bang this year...they are out of here. Although I did see a really cute pruning trick that creates a kind of knee high grape cascade that looked interesting. May leave it rooted and play with it a bit.

Yes! I'm excited!

Hovering over my bowls of forced bulbs whispering

"Bloom, Damn it!"

And wistfully anticipating the first bask of the year on North Patio Beach!

(I swear, this year I'm getting a sign, Idgy)

Even better  than the sign, though...I found my French Easel and Acrylics for Summer.


Looking a lot like this with adjustable legs for sitting with a glass of wine and creating on the patio this Summer.  Our Acrylic Experiment was a huge success and I LOVE them! Even boning up on technique through this long frozen winter!

Going to turn this (last summer's shot) into my first "Impressionist" painting. Well, that is the theory...anyway.

 Hey...together we can do anything...n'est-ce pas?