Monday, July 14, 2014

Adventure with Waterfalls

Enjoyed an absolutely beautiful day with my eldest son and wife and two of the "grands" yesterday at Cataract (lower) Falls. The breeze off the water and the sound was even nice for a quick doze under some river willows mid-day. Huge kudos to Grandma Nancy who watched Aiden...bath...bottle and warm blankie and he was down for the count.

And even bigger kudos to James and Nicole for helping me get from the Upper Falls to the Lower...which would have been easier on the back of a Sicilian donkey or Mountain Goat...and don't even ask about climbing back up! LOL! And Donna for letting Brenden join us :)

Emma and Brenden fished and rock hunted...built a hideout in the river willows...and even caught (and released) a small leatherback turtle. All and all a wonderful afternoon.

Spent the evening rocking the baby...and enjoying a home cooked meal. Boy, can this girl cook! Chicken Fried Steak with Home-made from the dripping gravy...peeling and mashing potatoes...seasoned corn. A feast!

"See Mom, I told you she was an amazing cook!"

 Even sent a "Mother-in-Law Bag" home at the end of the evening with enough for my lunch today :)

Enjoyed a movie with the kids and learning to make those rubber-band bracelets...catching lightning bugs and hanging out the new hummingbird feeders...and watching as a squirrel tried desperately to plunder the bird feeder.

Looking forward to a trek to Chicago soon with Nicki and Emma to the American Girl Doll Store for an afternoon tea and maybe to get "Rebecca's" ears pierced...just like Emma's.

I am seeing Hello Kitty Earrings in both their futures!

Hard to believe Aiden is 2 1/2 months old now. Time flies. And what a happy smiley guy!

And Brenden and Emma just fell together like a couple of playful puppies...hiding and seeking and catching a little bit of everything (frogs, butterflies, caterpillars, turtles).

Turned in last night...tired...a bit stiff and sore from our Adventure...but smiling. I am truly blessed.